Violence in the public schools CRIJ1307

the paper will be three to five pages in length, double spaced and must have at least 5 references, research material will be from the Internet or from books or professional magazines/articles. The paper needs to be written in the third person.

Research Paper Check List

Students are encouraged to review the following check list BEFORE turning in their papers.

_____The paper is 4 pages in length.

_____The paper has one inch margins (top, bottom, left and right).

_____The font used is size 12 point.

_____The paper is double spaced.

_____Parenthetical notation has been done for each work listed in the Works Cited Page.

_____There is a "works cited" page at the end of the paper listing all sources cited.

_____The "works cited" page is typed according to the APA or MLA format.

_____There is a minimum of five different sources cited in the paper. Resources are books, magazines, professional papers, or from the internet and a combination of each.

_____The paper has been edited for spelling and grammar.

_____The student’s name is on the paper.

_____The student has retained a copy of the paper.

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