Training Plan on Recognizing, Reporting, and Preventing Child Abuse in Daycare
The primary aim of daycare services is to keep children in the daycare from injury and illness or any other possible harm. Child abuse can be defined as the mental and physical degradation of the child by means of inflicting injury or harm on the child. Professionals enhance their skills in providing better services to the children (Saks& Hancoun, 2007).. Abuse against children affects how they behave and relate with their peers and the rest of the society when they grow older. The presence of a well-trained individual in providing the basic nurturing to the children results in responsible and well-mannered individuals in the society. Child abuse has been shown to be a major influence on how children shape their lives. Majority of the individuals who are engaged in crimes, prostitution and other societal indecencies m have been molested or abused at one point in their childhood. The training is designed to keep the professionals skills relevant in a changing environment where the needs of the children are evolving with each passing day such that there are bale to develop their careers as well. In addition, it also aims at helping the childcare professionals to conform to the national regulations (American Society for Training and Development, 1991).
Child abuse has several indicators both mental and physical, all of which are reflected by behavioral changes. Physical indicators are usually predominant in physical abuse against children because they are defenseless. Physical abuse is characterized by the presence of injuries on the affected children. Because of physical abuse, the children are traumatized by such events. This has a great impact on how their social relations shape up.
Training and development can be described as the equipping with skills of an employee to meet the market demands at the same time develops the individuals standing in the market. Training and development is usually outlined as strategy for ease of execution or implementation. Training is aimed at helping an individual acquire the necessary skills to improve his or her level of output at the current employment whereas development helps the individual get the necessary skills, which can assist him or her in growing the career options because of the skills acquired through training (Saks& Hancoun, 2007). Training as a process has a many levels that enable the trainer the specified results needed. It begins by identifying the needs for conducting the training. The second part consists of ensuring the employee readiness for training purposes to ensure that the employee is willing to learn from the training process to achieve the goals. The third part consists of ensuring transfer of training knowledge from the trainer to the trainee. This can be achieved y choosing the relevant evaluation program to ascertain that the employee has achieved sufficiently from the training process.
Needs assessment can be described as the process of establishing the needs and wants of the individuals and the desired levels of training. Assessment of the needs helps the individual get the best level of training from the educator or trainer who is already conversant with the level of training needed. The difference between the desired results and the current results is the need for the training. Need assessment is made up of several steps to come up with the specifics needed for training the professionals. The first step involves the confirmation of the issues beforehand and the audience available.
The next step and second step involves the formation of a planning team to conduct the assessment followed by the clarification of the goals and objectives of need assessment. The fourth step involves the characterization of the audience such that the trainers have an idea of the trainees need and what they prefer. The fifth step is vital as it involves the conduct of searches for information regarding the audience and their needs. The sixth step, data collection methods are identified such that they are relevant to the search for the needs. The data collection methods enable the formation of a sampling technique that is fair to the search to come up with relevant data(Training and development, 2008).. The data collected is analyzed for relevance, managed and synthesized to come up with a report that is detailed and ready for use, which has all the relevant needs for the training process. This enables the formation of a fair view on the needs of the trainees as their needs are all sampled to come up with the most prevalent needs, which need to be addressed in the training process.
Training needs assessment incorporates the organizational analysis, the task analysis and personal analysis to have a three-pronged frontier in confronting the needs of the trainees.
Training needs assessment by organizational analysis involves the support of the managers and peers of the trainees who have already undergone similar training process(Saks& Hancoun, 2007).. The needs assessment incorporates the organizational, regulatory body and the training resources available. In addition, training form a Training assessment can also be done on personal level to get a clearer perspective of the needs of the trainees .This involves the identification of personal characteristics and their performance at the job. It also involves evaluation of the impact of the training on the trainee from a personal perspective and the response to the training. This enables the trainer to get an insight as to how they can improve the training process for the benefit of the trainees. The third phase involves task analysis. This is whereby the trainees are assigned tasks to judge their performance (Training and development, 2008).The skills are graded according to their levels of complexity and the individuals are assigned the tasks based on their levels of capabilities. This is a very important aspect of the need assessment phase as it gives a clear view of the needs based on the performance of the individuals on the task.
For a successful training process, there is need for preparing the trainee for the training process .Employee readiness influences the trainees’ reception to the training process, which can be either positive or negative. Preparing a trainee can be an easy as well be a daunting task .The aim of enhancing the readiness of the employee is to improve the impact of the training program on the trainees. This can be achieved through motivation by emphasizing the effects the program has on the self-efficacy of the trainee in his or her field of work. The trainers should insist on the positive effect of the program. The trainers can also enlighten the trainees on the benefits of the program. Benefits accrued to the program include new career dimension after training because of the credits gained from the training (Training and development, 2008). The training management should ensure that the trainees understand the impact of the training on the interests in the careers and their long life goals in the protection of the children in their care. Emphasis should be put on the need for the training such that the trainees comprehend the need for the program because of the rapid changes in the childcare environment. To prepare the employees for training the trainers must be aware of the basic skills that the trainees poses in order to know the level of training required for them.
Creating a conducive environment for learning is vital for getting the benefits of the training. The conditions for learning include specification of the objectives of the training program. This helps in getting a clear aim for the program to avoid any deviations. In addition, meaningful training content, this is relevant in a changing childcare environment marred by the presence of rampant child abuse in day care programs. Criterion for producing a good learning environment involves identification of objectives of the training program, establishment of relevant content (Saks& Hancoun, 2007). It should also involve equal opportunities and provide for practice sessions with their peers. It should also provide for recall of the projects and the recall of the projects such that they get to understand their training. The training should focus on the current employment by providing more skills to equip them better in handling young children at their care (Julian et al.,2002). Trainee development occurs for the betterment of the futures of the trainees. This enables the trainees to have a better chance of success in the job market after training and to be become equipped in nurturing the children in their care in day care settings.
Plan for transfer of training should have a favorable transfer environment to enable the trainees has a chance of reaping the maximum benefits from the training program. Transfer of training should provide support from the peers of the trainees and the management of the organization such that they have a chance to get knowledge from the experience of the peers and the management .Transfer should enable the opportunity to work in practice to gain adequate experience for later use in the relevant field of work. It should incorporate technology in a revolutionized world that has been influenced by technology and provide for self-management skills such that all the trainees are able to manage their programs without interference (Rae.2000).
The corporations should provide adequate resources for smooth running of the program. The gains from the program should reflect on the overall productivity of the trainees after completion of the training program. Evaluation of the plan should incorporate the evaluation levels of Kirkpatrick, which are namely reaction, learning, behavior and results. Reaction of the trainees should be positive in order for them to experience the maximum benefits of the program. The children in the care of the trained professionals get to experience professional care from these dedicated professionals.
American Society for Training and Development. (1991). Training & development. Alexandria, VA: American Society for Training and Development.
Saks, A. M., & Haccoun, R. R. (2007). Managing performance through training and development. Toronto: Thomson Nelson.
Training and development. (2008). Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Julian, S. ., Shari, J., Hale, J., Stolovitch, H. D., Keeps, E. J., & Keller Graduate School of Management. (2002). Training and development. New York: Wiley Custom Services.
Rae, L. (2000). Effective planning in training and development. London: Kogan Page.
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