Multiple Orgasms
An orgasm is an abrupt discharge of sexual tension that is accumulated in an individual, leading to muscular contractions that are rhythmic around the pelvic area which in turn produces intense arousal and pleasurable sensations (Hite, 2004). This is experienced by both women and men. Sometimes, orgasm is referred to as coming or climaxing. Study shows that orgasms vary from one individual to another in the sense that sometimes an orgasm may be less intense, mild, and subtler, while in others it may be explosive and intense. Such differences in the intensity of orgasm may result from several psychological factors such as activity expectation, mood, or even the general perspective about the encounter. Physical factors such as length of time between orgasms and fatigue may also determine the intensity of orgasm.
Multiple orgasms is therefore, a situation where an individual experiences more than one peak or climax in a single event of lovemaking without necessarily losing his or her sexual arousal in between the orgasms. Multiple orgasms are very common among women. Nonetheless, men can also experience multiple orgasms as is in women through proper training. Multiple orgasms in women indicate the ability to carry on sexual stimulation within a short period after the first orgasm. This happens within a few minutes or immediately so that another climax may be reached. Where a woman experiences a number of peaks in a single sexual encounter then she may be referred to as multiple orgasmic individual.
The sexual response cycles of both female and male are remarkably alike. The only difference however, is the ejaculation experienced by males. Women who are multiple orgasmic can experience orgasms that are consecutive if there is continuous stimulation after the first climax. This is because unlike men, women do not ejaculate (even though some reports indicate that indeed ejaculation is experienced by some women).
In males, ejaculation leads to a period of refractory during which it is impossible to achieve further sexual stimulation or an erection. This is caused by the intense sensitivity of the pines as well as the loss of sexual tension. This may be a big hindrance to multiple orgasms in men. Women are nonetheless, able to achieve it much easier than men since they are not programmed biologically to ejaculate and therefore hard to lose sexual tension (Pokras, 2007).
In an effort to appreciate how multiple orgasms can be achieved in men, one must distinguish between ejaculation and orgasm (Hite, 2004). Due to the fact that orgasm and ejaculation in men occurs in a rapid session, one might be tempted to think that they are one and the same thing. Yet, ejaculation comes slightly after orgasm. To be able to navigate through the path of multiple orgasms therefore, a person must be able to disconnect orgasm and ejaculation during a sexual encounter. A person can be able to separate orgasm and ejaculation though the use of pelvic floor muscle, commonly referred to as PC muscle (Pala, 2004). This muscle is known for its ability to discontinue the urine flow during urination. In instances where it is difficult to stop the flow of urine it is an indication that the PC muscle is weak. This means that a person needs to work on strengthening this muscle for purposes of experiencing multiple orgasms.
Adequate preparation is also important in achieving multiple orgasms in both male and female. After understanding and differentiating orgasm and ejaculation as well as taking the step of appreciating the PC muscle, a person should take another step and learn how to control the muscle effectively. Through regular exercise of the muscle, a person can be able to gain control of when to ejaculate particularly in men and this may help an individual achieve multiple orgasms.
According to Pala, (2004) practicing can also enable an individual to achieve multiple orgasms. Practice may be done through masturbation. A person should relax and then start masturbating and just before the person reach the point where they would ejaculate commonly referred to as point of no return, he should stop masturbating and contract the PC muscles while counting from one to ten. One should then relax for a while before resuming masturbating again. This time however one should masturbate until he is much closer to the point of no return and repeat the squeezing or contracting exercise of the muscle. This should continue until a person is able to learn his own sexual response.
Beck, (2003) suggest that there are other possible ways through which an individual can achieve multiple orgasms such as partnering. A romantic partner can be of great help in an effort to achieve multiple orgasms. This method can be of great help as it can be easy to get assistance from your partner in areas where you feel the need to improve on for purposes of becoming a multi- orgasmic. Once the partners successfully achieve their goal of being multi- orgasmic they can get a wonderful opportunity to enjoy all the pleasure that love lovemaking could bring.
The ability stimulates oneself slowly and gently may go a long way in enabling a person to understand his or her individual level of sexual arousal hence, achieving multiple orgasms. In a study conducted by Pokras, (2007) taking sexual stimulation slower enables an individual to appreciate his limits of sexual arousal and can be able to easily separate orgasm, arousal, plateau, and ejaculation. Having made all these discoveries, an individual will have a much greater opportunity to be able to control the PC muscles, know when to stop or resume stimulation for purposes of achieving multiple- orgasms.
Focusing on pleasing your partner rather than personal satisfaction is another way in which an individual can achieve multiple orgasms. The problem of personal gratification over that of the other partner is more in men than in women. Most men do not put into consideration the satisfaction of their partners and therefore they attain their peak way before them. to address such a predicament the aim of a partner should be to satisfy the other partner by controlling his or her sexual arousal until such a time when both have achieved a number of peaks and can hold it any more. In such instances a person is able to achieve multiple orgasms with less difficulty and intense pleasure.
Indeed, there a number of ways through which both male and female can obtain or achieve some of this method require constant practice while others just require an individual will to accomplish. When an individual achieve multiple orgasms it means that such an individual experiences more than one peak or climax in a single event of lovemaking without necessarily losing his or her sexual arousal in between the orgasms. This state increases the excitement and pleasure of and individual sexual life. Some of the ways through which a person may achieve multiple orgasms include; distinguishing between orgasm and ejaculation during a sexual encounter, partnering with your romantic partner for purposes of helping each other to achieve multiple orgasms, practicing how to control the PC muscle for purposes of prolonging sexual arousal, a person can also achieve multiple orgasms by focusing on satisfying his or her romantic partner before attaining his or her sexual gratification.
Beck, J. (2003). How to Have Multiple Orgasms. Washington: HarperCollins.
Hite, S. (2004). The Hite Report: A Nationwide Study of Female Sexuality. London: Seven Stories Press.
Pala, A. (2004). Voluntary Ejaculation and Male Multiple Orgasms. Michigan: Universal- Publishers.
Pokras, S. (2007). Male Multiple Orgasms: Techniques That Guarantee You and Your Lover Intense Sexual Pleasure Again and Again and Again. Berlin: Ulysses Press.
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