Identify Intervention Strategies. propose specific intervention strategies that are based on the unit content. I want you to go beyond your initial, common sense ideas. Study the content carefully and highlight information about how to apply the theories. What specific strategies are recommended? Why? What type of environment needs to exist? Why? Be sure to do the following. First, describe the strategies in detail. provide specific information such as, “I am going to do attribution retraining with john by…” Second, clarify the connection between each strategy and the unit content. Thus, you could say something like, “Attribution retraining is one of the strategies suggested by attribution theory, because…” Third, clarify the connection between each strategy and the cause of the problem. . Cite relevant research.
please cover all this Problematic patterns like lack of interest, not caring about school, extrinsic motivation, lack of self-regulation, lack of grit, and fixed mindset. according to interest theory, what kind of interest does John display or not display?
following is an example to the way of writing which i want.
Intervention Strategies
Several intervention strategies are necessary for Liana’s competency beliefs to be changed. To start with, in order to help her to overcome learned helplessness, I will promote an element of positive thinking. I will achieve this by assuring Liana hat change is possible. According to the learned helplessness theory, positive thinking is an important strategy which can help individuals to open up their minds to possibilities (Brophy, 2010). Liana’s helplessness in math is caused by her past experiences with the subject. The strategy of creating positive thinking will help to encourage Liana that it is no yet late for her to work hard and improve in math. Attribution retraining is also necessary for Liana. I will achieve this by encouraging her to think outside the self-imposed restraints. According to the attribution theory, attribution retraining is one of the most important strategies which can be used to change the beliefs associated with the occurrence of certain things (Weiner, 2010). The belief that professions such as engineering and architecture are difficult for females contributes to Liana’s poor attitude towards them. Attribution retraining will help her to understand that even females can pursue these professions successfully.
Liana’s problem of low self-efficacy can be solved through various interventions. One of the most important things I can do is to develop the necessary skill set. I will have to identify all her weaknesses and determine what is needed for improvement. For instance, in order to solve her problem of multiplying numbers, I will advise her to practice it using multiplication tables. On the same way, I will use this strategy with Carol’s problem of low self-efficacy for his ACT scores. In order to develop the necessary skill set for this test, I will define his weaknesses that need to develop. In addition, I will advise him to practice the test to be more familiar with it. According to the self-concept theory, developing a skill set can be an important solution to Liana’s and Carl’s problem. It can help them to overcome their negative attitudes towards math and ACT test. (Parajes, 1996). One of the main causes of Liana’s low self-efficacy is the belief that mathematics is a tough subject which is supposed to be done by boys. Similar to that, Carl believes that he will not achieve a good score in ACT test, and he will not studying or preparing for his ACT. An effective skill set can help to change Liana’ and Carol’s belief. Another significant way in which I can deal with Liana’s problem of low-self efficacy is to use the intervention of modeling. I will use various women who have excelled in engineering, medicine and architecture as role models for Liana to copy from. According to the social learning theory, individual’s behaviors and actions are determined by what they learn from other people (Brophy, 2010). Liana has learned the tendency of not doing well in math from her sisters. Therefore, the intervention of modeling can help her to understand that even women can perform well in mathematics.
The problem of low expectations exhibited by Liana can also be solved using various means. For instance, as her mathematics teacher, I can provide high support to her in order to show that I care about her academic performance. High support in this case may include helping her to improve her math skills, encouraging her to seek more consultation from me, and advising her to read relevant math textbooks. According to the theory of self-fulfilling prophecy, supporting students helps to improve their expectations (Barron, 2006). Liana is not performing well in math since she has low expectations about the subject. Therefore, providing her with high support will help to motivate her in a positive way. In order to improve Liana’s participation in class, I will challenge her with complicated questions in every learning session. Such questions will enable her to see the importance of being active in class. According to the expectancy-value theory, students tend to learn activities that have certain values (Wigfield & Eccles, 2000). Perhaps answering questions is class does not make sense to Liana. Challenging her with difficult questions will probably motivate her to answer more questions.
Liana’s and Carl’s high anxiety disorder can be solved using various means. One of the most important strategies I can use is to adopt relaxation techniques. I can advise Liana and Carl to relax whenever they are feeling anxious about something. The catastrophe theory of anxiety suggests that stress and anxiety tend to influence performance (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). Therefore, if anxious and stressed, Liana may not perform well in her class presentations and Carl will not feel well when he checks his scores or his college admission letters. The relaxation techniques will help them to achieve a feeling of calmness, both emotionally and physically. I will also advice Liana and Carl to seek emotional connection. The drive theory is based on the reasoning that one’s performance is influenced by the arousal of his or her drives (Hidi & Renninger, 2006). Ensuring that Liana and Carl are connected to other students will be important for their emotional health. Emotionally healthy individuals tend to perform well in whatever activity they are involved in. since Liana seems to push herself too much when preparing for class presentations as well as Carl when he checks his scores or his college admission letters, I will advise them to get enough sleep. According to the multi-dimensional anxiety theory, both cognitive anxiety and somatic anxiety influence individuals’ performance (Clough & Strycharczyk, 2012). Therefore, sleep will help them to overcome these kinds of anxieties.
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