This Course is both Business Administration and Computer Science. Here is the course description >>Course Purpose:
Each individual person is a systems analyst of his or her respective life and so much of our focus for this course will be on systems analysis of personal life. As its foundation, this course uses Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s general systems theory (GST). The focus of the course is to contextualize systems analysis and design using von Bertalanffy’s lens to observe systems in order to implement design change management.
Course Objectives:
View systems – specifically some closed systems like information systems and some open systems like complex human activity systems
Categorize systems – as open or closed, including artificially closing a system
Analyze systems from various perspectives – including but not limited to time, function, organizational structure/attributes, value stream (this is especially true for any leadership role you will have), and especially stakeholders
Draw/communicate systems – including but not limited to tools like Gantt charts, Entity-relationship diagrams (ERD), computer-aided software engineering, and process flow diagrams with consideration of the semantics involved with big data and approach of computation knowledge engines, like Wolfram Alpha which uses “curated” data (and here ‘data’ is used in the sense of wholes), and their inherent data flows and information flows
Course Approach:
Three themes/frames/underpinnings predominate:
1. Concepts/endocepts (Arieti)/critical thinking/self-reflection inherent in seeing (where ‘seeing’ is used loosely and includes listening and overall awareness)/recognizing/observing the system
2. Methodologies/methods/tools/techniques of system representation and communication including the issue of the system boundary
3. Implementation of systems analysis and design/closing the feedback loop
Note: For this course, information systems are preeminent. Complex human activity systems dominate.
Course Format:
The course consists of one three-hour lecture/face-to-face scheduled time. During that three-hour time period expect lectures, class discussions, presentations, guest speakers, and interactivity (as this class is an example of a complex human activity system and is an open system) which translates to in-class group work and strong in-class participation (all in service of grappling with and understanding systems and how systems are approached outside of the classroom.)
Personal presence in class and a virtual presence via Blackboard, albeit asynchronous, are part of the attendance/class participation mark. All assignment instructions and directions will be detailed on Blackboard.
Monday evenings starting Monday, January 6, 2014, from 7 p.m. to 9:50 p.m., in GCS 115 (based on scheduling at the time that this syllabus was submitted). Please check the online academic timetable to confirm times and locations.
Classes will be structured to grapple with systems – specifically information systems and complex human activity systems. Personal presence in class and virtually using Blackboard will contribute much to your learning and that of your colleagues. Each class will run for the entire three hours on each class day (with a health break). Please attend the first class, expecting to stay for the full 3 hours.
Students are encouraged to use their computers/laptops/devices in class.
On one or two rare occasions (if guests are present) students are to be off the grid (this means ALL devices) and to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with best business practices. Panopto or its substitute will try to create webcasts of a sort, for all classes to view after class is over. Please be advised that at the very least, the class will be audio recorded and perhaps video recorded . Please participate in class knowing that we are being recorded.
Topics include and are not limited to:
Introduction to systems, administrative systems, and information systems. Business systems analysis – as contrasted with software development. Systems development methodologies – an overview. The role of the systems analyst in organizations. The current problem of legacy systems replacement.
Data curation and issues. The systems model of the firm. Terminological inconsistencies, semantics, semiotics, and “category mistakes” (Ryle).
Semantics in big data. The systems approach to problem solving. Kenneth Boulding’s hierarchy of systems. Mintzberg’s managerial roles. Value stream analysis of organizations and business models. User requirements and system specifications. Content analysis, semantic analysis, conceptual analysis (Regoczei).
Distinguishing among data, information, knowledge, wisdom. Data flow diagrams. Material flow versus data flow.
Data flow versus information flow.
Data as data, information, knowledge, wisdom (in the case of curated data). Hierarchy charts. Structure charts. Conceptual database design techniques: conceptualization techniques, entity-relationship diagrams. Data dictionaries and directories. Documentation of software. Deriving software design from structured systems models. Project management for systems development using structured analysis and design.<<
Im function another exam april10 at 9 o’clock in the morning! and i need your help with that as well. The exam includes 20 questions but i need your help with two questions! Question 1&2 should be answered with my group, but once we finish these two questions i need to do a group-reflection about my group and how we did the questions. So, if you write a group-reflection and how we did in the two questions that would be awesome. << Please if you can use random names or put empty blanks so i can insert my groups’ names,<<
The another question that i need your help with is Question five and that is Cheat Sheet( Random relevant information that help you out in exam) < for this question i need you to use your knowledge, ideas, creativity, and your way of modelling System Analysis and Design. You can use diagrams, pic or anything you prefer. Please let me explain more if you’re not familiar with the Cheat Sheet!!
i’ll order one page for this i think 125 words for group-Reflection and 150 words for Cheat sheet would be fine, but I’m wiling to pay for more if you think you need to write more. i can upload all the lecture notes if you want.
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