what is your intended major

What is your intended major? Discuss how your interest in the subject developed and describe any experience you have had in the field-such as volunteer work, internships and employment, participation in student organizations and activities-and what you have gained from your involvement.

The changing economic circumstances made me think money and economy from a very early age. Having an business men for a father, I had many opportunity of  experiencing the process of earning profit in a company inside of world economy.  From a very early age, father was not staying home in half of an year because of business trip. When my father first took me to his business trip to china factory and business conference, everything I saw was fresh to me. There are many working women in factory, many sample bags in office, many meetings in conference. Father answered my question and explain what it is. With my own eyes, I saw real money at work. Money makes the world go round. China, Korea, and United States and Europe have necessary and sufficient condition in the world economy so they trade for satisfying their needs. Thus, it is important to understand each nation and world economy and policy. I learned money flow all over the world. My dads trading firm suddenly came to an abrupt failure. The korea economy was suddenly slowed down as companies were being abandoned by their investors, effectively dragging the whole country into a recession. As I learned more about the situation, I discovered that the whole chain of events leading to this global breakdown was greatly triggered by the recession in the United States of America. Being a rookie in finance, I was not able to comprehend how the whole financial catastrophe started. Eager to really understand the problem and try solving it from its very core, I planned to continue my studies in the US.
Business man has many responsibility
After that, I began to have interest in business and economy so I read economic news section first and scrap articles during my school years until now. It helps me understand world economy and how business work according to world market.  When I was a middle school student, I was really interested in reading economic parts of newspaper and watching news how world is going on and how it affects to economic element like stock or marketing. Whenever I came back from school, I picked up newspaper with saying “ Let’s see how our world economy is going on well”.  My mother answered my talking “The world is going well without you” as joke. I asked many question to her.  She answered  and taught me economical word and phenomenon. I really like discussion time with my father and mother.
When I was high school student, I was a president of my class for  my school festival which is held every 2 years. My high school festival was one of chance to raise our class funds. I planned to make cafe and game. This was a lot of fun so many classmates want to participate for leading class project. At the very first time, there are a lot of opinions from many students and some of us felt bad because they felt they rejected by ignoring their own opinion. Thus, I tried to make sum up and listen most of all ideas and if some idea was not good, I tried to not reject and I said keep the idea for developing their opinion better. listen other voice. After our meeting, most of friends made me a president and they told me their ideas. I felt many thing from preparing festival. It needs many decision to decide from what kind of waffle sell to.We have to divide our work such as decorating class room and how to make waffle and coffee and  the person who make rulet game board. We use our locker as our selling stand and also divide kitchen and customer place. Their ability to work and what they can do well is different as person. I tried to put person the place that they can so well in a spot. I learned handling people. Other class use their desk as stand so we looks better than other class. There is no worry about students leaning the locket because it is heavy and strong and it connected to profit because most of other class their organization is not that strong so they cannot operate their stores for a long time. In addition, we did two play which is cafe and rulet game. It makes more profit because when people wait for getting waffle and coffee, they can do game. Even though the time flow for making waffle, we can still earn money. Our class room was crowded and popular during festival and we made profit too.

I would like to experience which is related my major or that I can do as college studen. I can do at most in my place as international students or overcoming international students status limitation like in the States.
I took business class in a first semester at PCC and had a business project. This is first time to communicate and doing project with foreignor. I was a president.
I did sales internship at prestigious international department store in Korea during June 2013. When I sales the product, it was on test because the company want to launch the product at there. I analyze and compare our company product and competitive product for advertising customer well. I explained safe ingredient and appropriate price. I selled many product compared to other product in same good location. Finally the product could launch at the department and ended up paying $2000 in two weeks. It was really exhausted to work there but I learned a lot. I could know hidden side of sales and marketing and also I found my interest of these. When I sell it, I could experience surrounding of department and customer mentality, marketing strategy depending on day and time and place. Not only that, I knew total gross in a day and month. For example,weekend total gross is not that higher than weekday even though many customers are more than weekday because many family enjoy their time in department.  It was really intersted to me. I would like to develop this marketing area but I still would like to know more fundamental elements which is economy. The internship gave me a lot of experiencing and also it gave me confidence that what I want to study. It is economy of product and surrounding. I have sales intern at department store in my country. After 2 weeks, I earned monet $2000 and the product can sell in the department finally. The president appreciate to me a lot and I realized many kind of thing because I thought I have many experience than other because I really try to participate many kinds of experience but outside of school is totally different to me. I can see what time the best profit time and so on. Everyday realize a lot and I learned that I would like to get more experience that I have not been to go yet and then I would like to find what I want in more big world and
I participate in economy club. We discuss many kinds of topic which is related to economy and I learn a lot of thing from them. Especially, I could know real idea about United States person and economy. It was really beneficial time to me.
I worked as statistic tutor. I notice that after transfer I need to take statistic class so I would like to study more statistic so I decide to be a statistic tutor. Even though tutor is a job for teaching tutee, I learned a lot of things from tutoring. I can see many kinds of way of thinking and I need to deep study for explaing tutee. For those time, I learned and developed my statistic and it was really practical branch.

My educational goal is to attend a four-year college to obtain my bachelors degree as Economic major and then to complete an MBA program because my career goal is to work for global investment bank, business consulting company, and to be an outside specialist economic department in Korea and eventually do own my business.  I have a strong interest in Korean domestic market, global market, stock market, real-estate, consumer preference and behavior, and Economics stands at the heart of each and every one of these areas. In order to achieve my goals, understanding economics is fundamental for me. While a deep and diverse topic within itself, learning  the core concepts contained within the  Economics  syllabus will open a myriad of doors and opportunity for me to develop my own personal approach to the world of business.

The changing economic circumstances made me think economically. I was raised in a wealthy family. I had never worried about spending money for getting something that I wanted. When I was a 9 years old, I made a board game under my rule. My classmates follow the game rule and if they solve the game rule, I gave them money  which is 50cents and 1dollars from my pocket. Not only that, I expressed my gratitude by money so if my friend helped me or I ask a favor, I gave them money. One of my friends told my mother that he did not get a money from my game. After that my mother noticed, she asked me what I did. Before I told my mother, I  took a backward and review my conduct. I felt guilty for my parents so I did not say anything. My mother told me that how hard earning money and taught me keep a record of my spending and mother and me opened my banking account and she bought me book about spending money for children. After that, I realized the importance of how to spend money. I established how to save and spend money at the age.
One day, I asked my mother salmon as night snack for diet. My mother told me we can not eat salmon anymore. The other day, my house piano was sold. My mother told me crisis is another chance. At that time, I thought a lot of  think and what the problem is. what is the living cost. I learned reality of economy.
I have experienced treasurer of student government in school activities commitee and academic committee and convention. I really like meeting time that we have to talk to how money spend appropriately under our budget and we have to make utmost output in our budget.  When I worked at spring convention, we need food for attracting student.
Whenever I have experience, the one thing does not satisfy my thirsty which is economy part and also make me have curious about economy. I cannot forget time when I took an economic class first time. My heart beats during whole lecture even though I just sat the chair and watch the board. I would like to study and research more about deep economy in the higher class and share my opinion with my classmate and I ask many question to professor.

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