4-5 paragraph synthesis essay that answers one of the following prompts below. must include evidence from both the novel and two of the expository articles listed below. Both pieces of evidence must work together to prove your overall argument.
1. Is Atticus a hero by today’s standards? Develop a position that argues that Atticus is/is not a hero in modern society and explain why.
2. Is Scout a hero by today’s standards? Develop a position that argues that Scout is/is not a hero in modern society and explain why.
3. Is Boo Radley a hero by today’s standards? Develop a position that argues that Boo Radley is/is not a hero in modern society and explain why.
Texts to choose from: 1. To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
2. “The Courthouse Ring: Atticus Finch and the limits of Southern liberalism” Malcolm Gladwell
3. “Don’t Judge Atticus Finch by Today’s Standards” Kathleen Parker
4. “What Makes a Hero” Alex Lickerman
5. Any of the class articles on heroism or your own
6. Hero Definitions provided from various dictionaries
Organization: 4-5 paragraphs
. Introduction Paragraph:
• Attention Getter
• Necessary background information
• Thesis statement
. 2+ TIQAIQA Body Paragraphs:
• Topic sentence related to your thesis statement
• Textual evidence (quotes) to support your idea
o You need at least FOUR! (Two quotes MUST be from TKAM and two quotes MUST BE from one of the supplemental texts.)
• Analysis of your quotes/examples to show how they develop the topic sentence and thesis
. Conclusion Paragraph:
• Restate your thesis in different words
• Summarize the main points you made in your essay
• Clincher: Connect back to your “attention getter”–explain why your idea is important in society.
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