RESEARCH ARTICLE ANALYSIS #1 & #2 Directions You will write two (2) Analyses of Scientific Literature papers. Each will be a 3 to 4 page critique of an empirical research study that has been published in a peer-reviewed academic journal. The specific paper to be critiqued will be given to you by your instructor. For the second Analyses of Scientific Literature you will need to find your own peer-reviewed paper, by first selecting a relevant topic from the list of suggested topics further down in this packet. Furthermore, this article will be the same one that you will use for your class presentation. The article must be turned in with your written assignment. Your instructor will provide you with specific information on how to select a topic, how to find a worthwhile study to analyze, and how to turn in your Analyses of Scientific Literature. After the first Analyses of Scientific Literature, you will receive feedback on your critical evaluation skills. Please use this feedback when preparing the second Analyses of Scientific Literature. Please see the syllabus for the due dates for the two different analyses. Late papers will receive lower grades, so please be sure to turn your paper in on time. Each student must do his/her own work; plagiarism will not be tolerated and will result in a failing grade on the assignment and the student being reported to the Office of Student Conduct and Ethical Development. Prior to grading, all papers will be scanned by Your instructor will provide additional information regarding use of Form and Style Guidelines Your paper should: be written in narrative, paragraph format; be written in formal style-3rd person only (do not use 1st or 2nd person, such as we, I or you); NOT use direct quotes or copied material from a source. Instead, paraphrase the source material using YOUR OWN WORDS and cite appropriately in APA format. use past tense when describing the research; be typed, double spaced, and 3-4 pages in length; be in a font size that is Times New Roman 12 point or similar size (easy to read); be left justified (do not right justify/align, which centers text) and have 1 inch margins; be submitted according to your instructors directions. Some will require materials be turned in on Canvas. Others will require materials be submitted in a plain file folder with your name in the tab, a copy of your references in APA format, and the Grading Sheet and Plagiarism Contract as the first page. Guidelines for Analyzing Research: Be sure to consider the suggestions from lecture and the handout How to Understand and Interpret Food and Health-Related Scientific Studies when analyzing the articles. Use the questions on the next page as a guide to critically evaluate each section of the paper. Analyses of Scientific Literature #1 & #2 Purpose: To understand how to critically read and analyze research articles. **Your instructor will provide you with an article either on their web page or Canvas. Directions In a 3 to 4 page essay, answer all of the following questions based on the article provided: 1. What is the research problem? Another way to think about this is: Why was this research conducted? (briefly describe & analyze) 2. What is/are the hypothesis/hypotheses stated by the author(s)? (briefly describe & analyze) 3. A. Who were study participants (how many were there)? How were they recruited? B. What were the inclusion/exclusion criteria? (briefly describe & analyze) 4. What was the study design? (briefly describe & analyze) 5. What were the results? (briefly describe & analyze) 6. Did the results support the authors hypothesis/hypotheses? Why or why not? 7. What was/were the limitation(s) and strength(s) discussed by the author(s)? (These are usually in the Discussion/Conclusion section of the article.) List other strengths and weaknesses you were able to identify that may not have been discussed by the author(s). 8. A. What conclusion(s) did the author(s) make? B. How can the research findings be applied? If no applications were suggested by the authors, in third person describe how you think the findings could be applied. Based on this study and past research discussed in the Introduction, what are directions for future research? Use your own words to discuss the answers using information from the article. DO NOT use direct quotes or copied material from the article. Instead, paraphrase the source material using YOUR OWN WORDS and cite appropriately in APA format. Do not include the questions. Your paper should be written in paragraph form; it should NOT be a list of the questions and your responses. Your paper should be submitted to to check for plagiarism. Please check with your instructor for further instructions on how to turn in assignments. NUFS/KIN 163 GRADING CRITERIA FOR RESEARCH ANALYSIS A papers (receiving 90% or more of the total points) have the following characteristics: Carefully follow the content guidelines given by the instructor; answer all questions posed on the critique outline; Carefully follow the guidelines for format; which includes not exceeding by more than one-half page the maximum double-spaced pages allowed; Are written in standard English, at an upper division college level, with complete sentences and appropriate paragraphs; Are written in the students own words, without using direct quotes or copied material from the source; Are free of redundancies, and have, at most, only 2-3 spelling and/or grammatical errors; Develop each section of the critique in a clear and logical fashion; have smooth transitions from one sentence or idea to another; Include insightful interpretation that goes beyond the obvious or what the authors disclosed; Cover all of the major aspects of the assignment without going off track or padding; Are turned in on the due date and prior to the start of lecture. B papers (receiving 80-89% of the total points) usually differ from an A report in one or more of the following ways: Show less care in following the guidelines; Have a few lapses in good writing; Have less than full clarity in expression of ideas and interpretations; Show some tendency to go off track, pad the paper or have redundancies; Are turned in one day or partial day (after the start of lecture) late. C papers (receiving 70-79% of the total points) usually differ from an A paper in more than one of the following ways: Show minimal care in following guidelines; Have more than a few lapses in good writing; Use some ambiguous descriptions in the analysis or interpretation; Go off track, pad the paper, or have redundancy in more than one instance; Are turned in two days after the due date Papers less than C (receiving less than 70% of the total points) usually differ from an A paper in more than one of the following ways: Do not follow guidelines; Are poorly written; Fail to interpret information correctly, or answer questions clearly; Frequently wander off track, are padded with extraneous information, or are redundant; Are turned in more than two days after the due date. questions 1 and 2 should be the intro 3 and 4 should second paragraph 5 and 6 third paragraph and 7 and 8 would be the conclusion.
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