The Day of the Locust

Please assign to writer who has read the text: Day of the Locust! Also please read all the DETAILED paper instructions carefully as I will request revisions if they essay doesn’t meet my standards, thus why I’m giving very specific instructions.

Write an informative, thesis-driven essay that analyzes an aspect of rhetoric in a text. Mention, I wrote ‘An Aspect’ so be specific. Focus on one aspect or rhetorical situation and not a bunch of different things. For example like biblical imagery found in the novel. Just an example here. Its also a rhetorical analysis, so please don’t just give me a summary of the plot and characters w/ an analysis of few events.

The text is the novel, Day of the Locust by Nathaniel West. The essay should be written for an academic audience that is interested in your text and your class theme. Class theme is Los Angeles.

The final essay must be 6-7 pages long and be presented in MLA format.

A total of five (5) sources must be used to develop the essay (the text being analyzed counts as one). Include a Works Cited in MLA format. Look for sources that help you specifically describe the rhetorical situation of the text you are analyzing (for example: if a novel, info on the novelist or on the time period when it was released or on cultural aspects of the audience, etc). Also please do not use Wikipedia as it is not a reliable source! Also, don’t just give me re-worded paragraphs from online sources, because I usually do some research myself before turning in the paper. I have found many writers on here doing that. Please make sure the paper is authentic and you present a full understanding of the text, meaning you have read it, not just spark notes of it!!!

Things that the essay should do!! Please read carefully as I will request revisions if these are not met. So please write the essay accordinly the first time.


A superior essay offers an insightful analysis of the rhetorical and literary elements of a particular text. Targeted to an academic audience, the essay is guided by a specific, complex, and incisive thesis, and it develops the claim(s) in the thesis by selecting and critically analyzing appropriate passages from the text(s) under discussion. Throughout the essay, the writer poses incisive questions, defines terms with precision, gives illuminating examples, provides concise and relevant summaries, paraphrases difficult points clearly, and gracefully integrates quotations into the argument.

Typically a superior essay focuses on just one or a few points, but it discusses them in depth and at length. It quotes passages relevant to its argument and enacts an extended and nuanced analysis of those passages. It acknowledges and honestly addresses passages in the text that are ambiguous or that seem to contradict its thesis. The superior paper moves beyond commonplace ideas or summary and offers an incisive and insightful analysis based on the subtleties of the text and a recognition of the complexity of the issues at stake. The text(s) being analyzed is/are accurately portrayed, properly cited, and rhetorically situated/integrated within the argument. The writer’s own argument is not overshadowed by the use of other voices; instead, the sources amplify and enhance the analysis.


The paper lays out the argument in a clearly articulated sequence of paragraphs that are guided by the thesis statement. Each paragraph begins in a direct and compelling way and develops a specific point. The relations between the paragraphs are implicitly or explicitly signaled through transitional phrases. The reader feels informed about the direction of the essay and can easily follow the writer’s logical progression from one point to the next.


The language of the paper is exceptionally well crafted and clear. Words are used with economy and precision. Sentence structures are artfully used for specific purposes: simple declarative sentences may be used to emphasize general points, for example, while syntactically complex sentences may be used to articulate logical relationships.
Academic Ethos

The writer of the superior essay convinces an academic reader that he/she has, through critical reading and analysis, become expert in the chosen text. The writer illustrates that s/he has attempted to remain objective as s/he presents evidence from the text(s). The writer has maintained his/her academic ethos while participating in peer review and has turned in all peer review comments, memos, drafts and revisions requested by the instructor. The paper has been carefully edited and uses specific, academic diction; it is virtually free of errors in mechanics, usage, grammar, and spelling. When errors do appear, they do not detract from the overall readability of the essay. The essay follows MLA style and citation format, as is expected of academic essays in the School of Humanities.

Here are things not to do in the essay. Please read them carefully:
A laundry list of rhetorical observations. Don’t simply identify every rhetorical device you think you see in the text. Once you’ve identified them, decide which one or two you think are most important to conveying the point or premise you will use to frame your analysis.

A Literary analysis. While some of the elements you identify in your analysis may be literary devices like symbols, metaphors or textual allusions, remember that in a rhetorical analysis, the purpose of identifying these elements is not to prove to the reader what they mean. Rather, your job is to explore how they contribute to meaning: how is the rhetor using these literary devices and what effect might they have on an audience? How are they consistent with the conventions of the genre or the expectations of an audience, or the practices of the text¢s historical/cultural context or how do they challenge what is expected.

Good luck w/ this paper and please email me if you have further questions or need more information. Please do not hesitate, most writers don’t and thus end up making multiple revisions. Just a warning, I’m hard to please so please, I can’t stress this further, read my instructions carefully!!

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