Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning

















Table of content

Executive summary……………………………………………………………3


Background and History………………………………………………………….4

Strategic Planning………………………………………………………………4

Direction and result……………………………………………………………5


Organization of the Strategic Plan……………………………………………….7

Vision statement…………………………………………………………………7

Vision statement of the ABC Service Agency…………………………………..7

Mission statement……………………………………………………………….8

Core Operating Values…………………………………………………………..9

The ABC Service Agency environmental scan…………………………………11









Executive summary

For a large corporate organization to prosper and survive in the current highly competitive business landscape, it needs to apply more methods than just forecast based planning or planning that is budget oriented. The organization must engage in developing a strategic plan that clearly outlines the objectives of the organization as well as engage in strategic planning that evaluates both the external and the internal situations of the organization for purposes of formulating a strategy, implementing such strategy, monitoring the progress, as well as introduce necessary modification to ensure that the organization remains relevant an competitive in the market.


After thorough consultation with the staff and board of directors of the ABC Service Agency, I developed a strategic plan for this organization. The strategic planning provides the organization with a five year roadmap for purposes of services, supports as well as organization growth. The strategic plan will be reviewed by the staff as well as the Board of Directors to ascertain the progress on quarterly basis and also make annual updates of the plan where necessary. The strategic plan was design with the help of the board and the guidance from the staff as well as Board of Directors. The committee of strategic planning had five staff members and six members of the board. The organizational assessment as well as the environmental scan provided the necessary tool for purposes of assessing the challenges and opportunities of the ABC Service Agency.



Background and History


The ABC Service Agency started as a volunteer parent support group in the year 1961. Currently this organization offer services and supports to over two thousand disabled children and adults as well as their families annually. ABC Service Agency began is also one of the largest employers in the county. The services and support provided by the organization are designed for purposes of assisting persons and their families throughout their life time. The organizations’ services and supports include; respite care, support residential services as well as job placement, vocational training, and social activities. The organization also provides referral services, information as well as educates the community on the importance of involving individuals with disabilities.

Strategic Planning

Strategic Planning involves identifying the plans of an organization for purposes of achieving its mission. A strategy of an organization is therefore a derived method to realize the mission of such an organization (Dearden et al 2007). The outcome of a strategic planning endeavor is a strategic plan which explains the well thought out strategy and outlines the factors that may influence it (Ward & Peppard 2002). A strategic plan therefore, gives a detailed explanation of the organizational intentions as well as its environment.   The importance of strategic planning is not only to assist an organization in execution work, but also provides a platform for an organization architecture, risk management, process of improvement, as well as portfolio management. According to Heracleous, (2008) strategic planning may take many approaches. Nonetheless, a typical process of strategic planning assess the current abilities and environment of an organization, it also consider the manner in which such an organization intends to evolve or grow in future, further, the organizational aspirations are considered, and finally, the intentions of an organization to move forward (Cassidy 2006).

Direction and Results

In the five year period, the strategic goals and direction incorporated in The ABC Service Agency plan includes the response of the organizations’ understanding of the current challenges as well as opportunities for providing a high quality support system to the people with disabilities in the community, and what the customers of the organization value the most about its supports and services. It is worth noting that the strategic plan will run for a period of five years within which the organization will be able to examine and expand approaches used by The ABC Service Agency while carrying out its day- to- day activities. The organization will further undertake the leadership role for purposes of encouraging more volunteers and involving an extensive range of resources from the community.

The ABC Service Agency intend to undertake a number of strategic direction following a renewed perceptive on its understanding of what it does best, the situation in which it functions, and most importantly its mission. These strategic directions include:

A review of the current direct services and support will be carried out by the ABC Service Agency for purposes of expanding and improve them and to ensure that appropriate for working effectively with disabled persons.

The organization will also examine the needs of the community and consumer for purposes of identifying the necessary adjustment needed in providing services. The purpose of this evaluation is to identify the new services that need to be added or expanded.

The organization will investigate the viability of increasing its visibility within the community as well as utilize the services of volunteers optimally

The ABC Service Agency will further involve a broader array of providers in an effort to highlight as well as meet the requirements of disabled adults and children.

The organization will strive to put up a financial resource for purposes of improving the quality of services provided. To achieve this, the organization will introduce a maintenance fund to ensure that the property assets of the organization are intact.


After an environmental scan the ABC Service Agency goals were identified for purposes of providing a landscape for achieving the strategic direction. These goals involves: service delivery, human resource, and resource development.

Through resource development, the ABC Service Agency will be a well respected, highly visible, as well as an organization that is capable of more volunteers and more contributions for purposes of sustaining its operations. Effective implementation of resource development will lead to increased service delivery to consumers and more quality support. In addition, more consumers are get a chance to join the community and participate. The organization is also able to utilize a wide range of resources in the community for purposes of providing services and supports to people with disabilities. The aspirations of the ABC Service Agency are not tied on providing quality services and supports to disabled individuals; they are geared towards changing the conditions of the community for purposes of enabling all persons in the community to have a better life.


Under the human resources, the organization will set up a workforce that is motivated, highly qualified, and stable which is capable of accomplishing the mission of the organization. In service delivery, ABC Service Agency intend to provide individuals with disabilities and their families a model support directly or through referrals to or partnerships with other providers of  the  service such as leisure and recreation activities, residential support, and family support and education.


Organization of the Strategic Plan

The strategic plan forThe ABC Service Agency has a two of purposes. To begin with the strategic plan is used as a reference guide for purposes of strategic planning. The second purpose of the strategic plan is to prove a detailed set of the plan. The strategic plan is a documentation of decisions passed by the staff and the board of directors, and process of strategic planning.


Vision Statement

Vision statement can be described as a model that an organization aims to accomplish usually in the future (Conway 2004). Some of the elements found in the vision statement include: the role of the organization, the sources of finance, the appearance of the organization, and the scale of the work. Sometimes, it may encompass the main external assumptions that may affect the vision of an organization (Liedtka 2008)).


Vision statement of the ABC Service Agency

In 2020, the organization intend to achieve improved support and services, full inclusion and more acceptance by the community and more helpful and prevalent technology will be vital for purposes of improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. Because of population increase, rise in multiple diagnosis, and aging people with disabilities will continue to have varied and extensive needs. Even though there will be great improvement in the acceptance of individual with disabilities in the society, a continuous push for community participation and inclusion will be perused. Individual living with disabilities will have an opportunity to take charge of the resources as well as have an opportunity to select whomever they choose for purposes of providing them with support as well as assistance. The ABC Service Agency gets its funding from government contracts as well as innovative and robust fundraising


Mission Statement

A mission statement of an organization is a platform through which such an organization expresses in a precise way the changes it aims to bring about (Mintzberg 2004). The mission statement of the ABC Service Agency is attaining complete community life for adults and students with disabilities each at a time. The mission statement of ABC Service Agency outlines two aspects that describe the organization’s purpose as well as the contribution it intend to make for purposes of alleviating the lives of individuals with disabilities. The two aspects of the organization’s mission statement are attaining and complete community life.


The term attaining as used in the mission statement depict ensuring that children and adults with disabilities gets the opportunity and support they need for purposes assisting them realize their full  potential.


The phrase complete community life on the other hand, describes the chance for each one of the people living with disabilities to take part in forging a fulfilling and happy life.

Core Operating Values


Raynor, ( 2007) state that an organizations’ core operating values refers to the primary ideals which are at the heart of such an organization. Core operating values represents the ideals that provide guidance to an organization while striving to accomplish its mission effectively.  Fahey & Randall, (2007) note that they also represent the values that an organization aims at holding itself responsible. The public image as well as the culture of The ABC Service Agency is influenced by a number of core values that have enabled the organization to remain an effective community based as well as able to provide services to more families and individuals with disabilities. These values include: caring attitude, responsiveness, individual support, respectfulness, accountability and integrity, diversity, state of the art practices, advocacy, partnership, and financial sustainability (Van Der Heijden 2006) .


Under receptiveness, the ABC Service Agency honor the preferences of disable individuals, while at the same time supporting people with disabilities to take charge of their lives and realizing their full potential. The ABC Service Agency also respects and acknowledges the families role particularly in respect to assisting people with disabilities to make better choices in their lives.


As part of caring attitude, the ABC Service Agency exhibit concern as well as compassionate support for individuals with disabilities as well as their families. The organization further undertakes the responsibility of providing information and education to individuals living with disabilities and their families which is a clear demonstration of a caring attitude.


Under the core value of responsiveness, the ABC Service Agency designs solutions that are capable of solving the predicaments of people with disabilities and also meeting their needs. This is achieved through giving them direct services or sometimes through referrals to other alternative providers of such services.


In respect to individualized support the ABC Service Agency seek to appreciate the needs and choices of individuals with disabilities, since the organization is alive to the fact that such needs and choices are different among people with disabilities and may change with time. In light of that fact, the organization provides individual support to persons with disabilities to meet their needs.


As part of integrity and accountability ABC Service Agency maintains integrity of the premier levels in their outreach activities, provision of services and in the administrative work at all times. All these activities are attached to the mission of the organization at all times.


Under diversity, the ABC Service Agency is alive to the fact that individuals living with disabilities are from different religions, races, gender, and ethnicities. The organization therefore seeks to provide assistance to all individuals   with disabilities without favor and with respect to their different religions, races, gender, and ethnicities and to as many people as possible.


As part of the state of the art practices, the ABC Service Agency intend to adopt a state of the art approach that is of high quality and that can always be available to the people with disabilities at all times. In partnerships, the organization will continue working and collaborating with a wide range of partners as well as advocates for purposes of providing high quality services to individuals with disabilities and their families. The organization further advocates for public education and sensitization and most importantly for the long term best interests of disabled individuals.


In respect to financial sustainability, the organization strive to achieve its mission  through developing strategic choices that are well thought out for purposes of ensuring that the financial resources at our disposal is sufficient.  Financial sustainability is primary ideal at the heart of the ABC Service Agency because it believes that their services and supports are needed both in the present and future of the people living with disabilities.


The ABC Service Agency environmental scan

The process of identifying and recording organizational trends and fact in its operating environment that may have an impact on the future work of such an organization is referred to as environmental scan (Scott 2005). The findings of an environmental scan are used in the strategic planning in line with the mission of an organization. Sometimes, environmental scan may involve an internal information summary of an organization such as the current structure of the organization, what it has achieved, and the financial data of such an organization. The framework of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) is often used (Fogg 2004).


The staff and the board of the ABC Service Agency highlighted the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) of the organization which were incorporated in the strategic plan after the environmental scan.



The key strengths of the ABC Service Agency have the ability to deliver high quality services and supports to individuals with disabilities and also help them to live their lives to the fullest. The organization also has a committed staff in delivering quality services. In addition, the organization uses innovation for purposes of solving its challenges. The impeccable reputation of the organization ensures that it remains a leader in service provision.



The tremendous growth in the organization has resulted to human resources challenges, absence of a clear structure for purposes of coordination in different departments, and difficulty in supervision. There is also a need for the company to improve on its technology, intensify the use of volunteers, and improve the practices of management.



The ABC Service Agency consider the most important opportunities to include: new recreational and social activities, increased visibility that would encourage participation of more volunteers, increasing community inclusion acceptance of people with disabilities, and finally government agency waiver, as well as  increasing family support.



The issues that are considered to be threats to the ABC Service Agency include: the cost of providing care and challenges of staffing, reliance of government for funding, the aging population, and securing employment opportunities for disable persons.



An organization strategic plan is an outline of the approach that it intends to use for purposes of achieving its mission. Strategic planning may be conducted in a number of ways, most of which culminate in developing a set of plans or a plan that articulate the goals of an organization and well laid out strategy for purposes of achieving these goals (Kessler & Kelley 2000). The organization must engage in developing a strategic plan that clearly outlines the objectives of the organization as well as engage in strategic planning that evaluates both the external and the internal situations of the organization for purposes of formulating a strategy, implementing such strategy, monitoring the progress, as well as introduce necessary modification to ensure that the organization remains relevant an competitive in the market (Heracleous 2003).





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