Hi writer:
I need you to write a research report about upgrading websites in developing countries, and I have wrote a report about this topic and my professor said it was something wrong with research question and method of analysis, here is what my professor said:
(My note in the gradebook for you is this project does not conform to all the instructions for this course that you have been given – most especially we are analyzing ONLY publicly available documents. I have been telling you all along that there is something wrong with your research question and method of analysis. Now it has caught up with us. Your project does not fall in the assignment guidelines for what we are doing in this class, mainly because we are ONLY analyzing publicly available texts. We are not analyzing private items or interviewing people. My impression was that you were going to look at the publicly available portion of hapital websites in developing countries to look for what needed to be improved in the public interface.)
This research report include three part, I will upload the instruction files, please see it carefully, and here is common problems for part 1& part 2 which I instructor sent it to me, please see it and you will make sense how to write this report:
Common Problems in Part 1 of the Research Report! !
Report not in proper workplace format: needs to be short paragraphs, single space, NO
indent on first line of the paragraph, space between each paragraph, etc. – all those things you
learned in CMNS 251! !
Audience – should be a very specific audience who can use this information in their work.
Audience is not a general public or people just interested generally in the topic. Audience is also
NOT students taking this course.! !
OK to use I & you – remember active voice? Use active voice.! !
Introduction: ! !
– Just as in giving presentations or other types of writing, use something to get the reader’s
attention. For example: a short story that demonstrates why you are interested in the topic; a
quote that gives the essence of the problem; etc.!
– End the introduction with a preview of what the reader can expect to find in the rest of the
report. You are not “giving anything away”, you are providing the reader with a “roadmap” to
help them follow where you are going.! !
Background/Literature Review – no sense of an outline: You probably learned this in
elementary school and just keep forgetting that you need to do it. Create an outline before you
start writing. Make sure that you proceed logically and that your transitions from one topic to the
next make sense being in a particular order. The first item should be general background about
your topic area and your last items should lead directly to demonstrating how your research
question will “fill a gap” in knowledge.! !
Use of bias words is NOT OK. Words that slant the readers perception toward a certain
attitude, especially one the prejudices them towards a certain answer to your research question
before you have even explained your research need to be deleted or replace with neutral terms.! !
Transitions: Everytime you move from one topic to the next provide the reader with a “road
sign.” This also helps them to read. It also helps you to see whether you are proceeding
logically through your argument. Transitions should be of a variety: http://writingcenter.unc.edu/
handouts/transitions/! !
When citing articles with multiple authors in-text: http://www.lib.sfu.ca/help/writing/
apa#printarticles! !
References list APA not corrected even after my comments on your annotated bibliography
Common issues – Data, method and findings! !
Data set:! !
– not enough detail in the description; think very carefully about every single little thing you did;
make sure that you give logical reasons for why you collected what you collected.! !
– “random” selection does not mean that you can just pick whatever you want. To actually use
random selection you have to first generate a random # (like in rolling dice) then you use that
number to determine which items you take from a long list (i.e. roll a 4 and you take every
fourth item in the list)! !
– do not make claims of validity for the research we are doing in this class. There is no way
they are valid – it is an exercise in understanding the requirements of a research report.! !
Method:! !
– provide citations (in your method section) to researchers who have used methods similar to
what you decided to use. Cite them when describing the particular choices you are making in
your methods.! !
– When describing the “framework” you are using for analysis (what you will be looking for), cite
the sources in your literature review that have led you to look for that particular thing.! !
– provide specific examples of what you are looking for in your analysis. For example, if you
say you are looking for emotional responses, give some examples of what you would be
looking for in terms of words, phrases, etc. that you would deem emotional! !
Findings:! !
– Describe your complete findings textually – do not use visuals as stand alone explanations.
Visuals are just “aids” to help the reader understand the words.! !
– Tables, charts, etc. are labeled in the order they appear in the report. Whichever you use first
you label #1. (This is the same for Appendices)! !
– Just state the facts. Do not make any judgements or draw any conclusions from the data in
the Findings section. That comes next, in the discussion and conclusion.!
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