Use your considerable untapped creativity to imagine a situation about an environmental issue that involves an ethical conflict or dilemma. The case will consist of a narrative (a minimum of 1000 words) with characters and dialogue, and a commentary explaining the nature of the issue and its possible resolutions (a minimum of 1000 words). See Guidelines below.
The Commentary (1,000 – 1,500 words)
-The commentary is your evaluation of the case based on your reading and research. You should explain why your characters take their positions on the issue and why they argue the way they do. You can bring in facts or examples from real life cases and refer to the experts who represent each side. Cite your sources with footnotes or endnotes and include a bibliography.
Your case will be no better than the research on which it is based. You should be as fully informed as possible about the issue. The University library carries a number of excellent journals and magazines on the environment, not to mention the fine book collection. Also, the Internet is a great source for special interest groups or organizations and governmental agencies that advocate one position or another or who provide facts. Take full advantage of it.
The Case is already written by me:
“I’m very happy you could meet with me for interview over lunch today Miss Johnson. Especially on such short notice,” said James Parker.
“Oh, its no trouble. Plus, I don’t mind getting out of my house and getting some Mexican style food. Its my favorite!” replied Victoria Johnson.
“Well that’s good, because if you are to work for Moe’s Southwest Grill it is important to us as management that you enjoy the food as well.”
“I sure do!” Victoria exclaimed as she ate another chip with queso dip on it.
“I’m about done with my food. How about you?” asked Mr. Parker.
“Yeah, I’m full. But I think I’ll hang on to my drink,” Victoria replied. She then took another sip of her cola. Mr. Parker then took both their trays and put all the items left on them into the trashcan. Victoria noticed this and asked “Thank you sir, but you don’t have recycling here?”
“Hehe,” he chuckled, “I thought only hippies recycled. You don’t seem like a hippie to me Miss Johnson. At least not after eating that steak burrito.”
“Well, I wouldn’t say I’m a hippie but I do care about the environment. In fact, I’m a Environmental Studies major at college.”
“Recycling just seems like a giant waste of time to me. You know what they say: ‘Time is money’ and as a manager of a business I can’t afford to waste any time.”
“I’m sorry sir but I don’t believe it’s a waste of time. A little time spent now rinsing off recyclables and tossing them in the proper container can ensure a more sustainable life for us and future generations.”
“How do you mean?” Mr. Parker wondered. “Can recycling now really impact the future?”
“Oh my goodness yes!” Victoria said almost shouting. “Sorry,” she said looking embarrassed. “I’m just really passionate about this. After I graduate from college I want to work for the Environmental Protection Agency. Anyway, when people recycle old things literally get turned into new things. Recycling does this instead of having to use more material, and possibly even non-renewable resources. When people recycle there is less and less material being sent to landfills. Therefore there is less air and water pollution.1 You like breathing clean air and drinking clean water, don’t you Mr. Parker?” Victoria queried with a sweet smile.
“Well of course Ms. Johnson but my concern is still valid. Recycling takes time that is just not available when working in place of business.”
“I agree that it takes a little time but couldn’t you hire a few people to handle this task? Or even set up a little sink where people rinse off their recyclables before throwing them in a provided recycling bin?”
“And run up my business’ water bill?!”
“Look Ms. Johnson,” Mr. Parker was cut off.
“You can call me Victoria.”
“Look Victoria,” he paused, “You have good intentions and I can tell you have a very strong drive but what you’re proposing here just isn’t cost-effective.” There was silence in the establishment for a minute.
“What if the recyclable rinsing sink was motion activated like the one in the bathroom?” Victoria suggested.
“Okay, well what if trash gets thrown into the recycling bin?” Mr. James Parker replied.
“Hm,” she thought for a second. “How about a sign posted on the wall depicting which products here are recyclable? You could put it right there,” Victoria pointed to the east wall of the Moe’s, “Between a rinsing sink and recycling bin. Now, I’m not saying it’s a perfect plan. People are bound to get confused or ignore the signs and recycle trash and throw out recyclables, but it’s a decent start. Don’t you think Mr. Parker?”
James Parker pondered for a moment. How did a job interview turn into a debate about recycling at my business? He thought. However, she does have a lot of spunk. Workers should be upbeat and passionate… “Okay Miss- I mean Victoria- If you are as enthusiastic about this cause as you seem to be you can be in charge of a recycling program here at my Moe’s Southwest Grill. That being said, you’ll also have a job working the line over there,” He gestured to where workers were preparing various dishes, “Does that sound fair to you?”
“Oh wow! Thank you Mr. Parker!” she stood up to shake his hand. “You won’t regret this. I’ll be your hardest worker and I’ll show you how much recycling can positively impact this business.”
“I’m sure you will,” he said laughing a little as they shook hands. Then they both let go. “Thank you for coming in today. Now, let’s go into my office so we can get your employee paperwork completed.”
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