2. Explain the creative process involved in graphic literature. (You may focus on the unique creative process utilized by Marvel, or a general process) Include a brief discussion of the role of:
a. Writer
b. Pencil
c. Ink
d. Letterer
3. 3. Character Analysis: identify two character archetypes in V for Vendetta. Explain how these two characters serve as character archetypes in V’s journey.
4. 4. Historical Context: Identify and explain two ways in which comic books have changed since their earliest incarnations by comparing and contrasting Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes to comic books during the 1930s. This question will require online research about the 30s. Two sources minimum.
5. 5. Lens Analysis (Psychological): In Dr. Dee’s story (found in chapters titled “24 Hours” and “Sound & Fury” in Sandman) which character might be said to represent the id, and which character might be said to represent the superego? Elaborate. (I’m not looking for a ‘right’ answer. Just justify your assertion with a justification).
6. 6. Genre Analysis: how does the graphic novel differ from the traditional work of fiction? Conversely, how are graphic novels and traditional works of fiction similar? In your comparison & contrast please address how graphic novels and fiction deal with the following elements: description, dialogue, and pacing. (Think back to A Sound of Thunder).
7. 7. Please explain the basic plot of Sandman: Preludes & Nocturnes in the following context:
a. Introduction (what is the exposition?)
b. Climax (What is the height of the story?)
c. Resolution (Tell me about the ending)
8. 8. Give one example of split-image paneling from the comics we read this semester.
9. 9. Use one of the lenses we have discussed this semester (feminist, psychological, sociological, historical) to make a brief observation/argument about Concrete. Don’t forget to identify the lens you are using.
BONUS: Explain Non-sequitur paneling
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