Poor Leadership

Poor Leadership






Leadership is very essential in all organizations or institutions for effectiveness and efficiency in operations. However, for smooth operations of organization, leadership should be employed in the right manner, failure to which might lead to problems in the organization. According to Van and Suino (2012), persons with poor leadership skills and performance must never be allowed in the management of an organization, as it will only be a waste of time and resources. Poor leadership in organizations can bring about negativity, inconsistency, and unpredictability. This diminishes the motivation of workers which impacts negatively on their performance leading to failure of the organization as a whole (Klubeck et al. 2010). Dysfunctional leadership arises as a result of lack of leadership skills, and people in the management or supervisory authority may make incompetent decisions which are irrational in nature. These decisions may affect a single unit in the organization, which in the long run may cause a challenge to the other units as they may be dependent. Poor leadership hinders maximum communication and teamwork in organizations. Disrespect and lack of concern for staff may impact negatively on the performance of the organization (Van and Suino, 2012).

Issues in the scenario

There are issues involved in the scenario that require attention, failure to which other problems may arise in the future. In this situation, there is the lack of concern for employees as exhibited by Captain Watts when Lieutenant complains of his domestic problems. The character of lack of concern is associated with poor leadership skills. In addition, Foster Major’s decision is made without notice to Lieutenant Pete Bench and this shows how disrespectful Foster is to Pete Bench, as he is aware of Pete’s situation. Major, who had hired Pete Bench, is nowhere to be found in this discussion, and this shows that the leadership and supervisory department in this institution is incompetent. Communication is poor in the institution, as Watts does not listen to Pete Bench when he tells him about the incompetence of Sylvia Brown. Instead, he gets very frustrated and tells Pete not to speak in a derogative manner about Brown. Bench situation of talking in that manner appears is justifiable, as Watts is being unfair in his decision. Watts even threatens Bench that he will crucify him, which in this case means getting fired. It seems like there are other issues involved in Sylvia’s switching of the position with Bench. Watts tells that Pete Bench that he is not protected by the union contract and therefore, has no rights to file grievances.

Root causes of the issues

All the key issues related to this organization stems from the problem of “poor leadership”. The leadership of both Foster Major and Captain Watts is weak and poor. In any scenario where there is poor leadership, chaos always occurs. This is why there occurs a conflict between Captain Watts and Pete Bench. Lack of concern for by Captain Watts may be because of the fact that he is not aware of Pete’s family problems, but this does not justify his actions, as he should have listened to him. As a supervisor, he should know all issues concerning his employees. Lack of or poor communication among people in the organization can bring about serious problems for the organization. For any issues to be resolved, communication is very essential as it is the first step for raising the issues (Van and Suino). Incompetent decisions are also another root cause of problems in the organization. Immediate decisions without notifying the employee may cause conflict among the stakeholders of the organization. Another root cause is the question of the union contract for this department as when Pete tells Captain Watts that he will file a complaint with the union, Captain Watts tells him that he has no rights. It appears that Captain Watts is not aware of the union contract, making him incompetent for the supervisory task. Watts is not familiar with the clear terms of the union contract.

Solutions to resolve the issues

The people with leadership tasks should ensure that they have the required competence in performing their tasks (Klubeck, 2010). This will ensure that operations are run in a smooth way fit for all the staff in the organization. In addition, there should be communication at all levels in the organization to avoid conflicts that may arise due to lack of it. There should be professional ethical values established so as everyone in the organization acts in accordance to them. For instance, use of offensive language by Bench, although it might seem justified should not be allowed in the organization. In addition, terms of the union contract if ever it exists, should be clear to all the people in the police personnel. All these will deter future conflicts not only in this organization, but also in other organizations around the world.

Risks and cost-benefit of solutions

All the above solutions given do not cause any risks, but are beneficial to the staff and the organization as a whole. The benefits will be people will work smoothly as no conflict will occur. In addition, communication and good leadership will bring about teamwork which will lead to improvement in performance of the organization as a whole.


There should be an immediate discussion between Foster Major and Captain Watts to decide on the issue as it affects one of their loyal employee, Pete Bench. The meeting should also emphasize on the issue of shifts among employees, as it appears the main cause of the problems in the organization. Ethical training to all staff should take immediate effect as well as implementing disciplinary actions for those that fail to act as per the rules and regulations of the organization.

Student Sample paper


Eric states the issues in the scenario, but in a very brief form without giving arguments to support the issues. The same case applies to the root causes. Though well stated, they may not give the reader a grasp of the major causes of issues in the scenario. Support of facts is very important as it gives the reader a broader understanding on issues being discussed. Although the solutions that Eric gives for bench are helpful, they might not be the best solution as taking on a leave may not change the situation. However, the solutions for Watts are applicable, and supported by research. These might lead to smooth running of operations in the organization.


Arguments in each section are well supported by examples from the scenario, as well as research from other works. This makes the reader have a clear idea of whatever is happening in the scenario. Cheryl elaborates on each aspect in detail and offers arguments that area clear and can be easily understood.  The solutions given are suitable if the performance of the organization is to be improved. For instance use of quotes such as Per Iannone, et al. (2009): The move of one assignment to another, is sometimes used to remove an employee from an unwholesome environment to one of lesser exposure . . . such treatment is more injurious (if not more immoral) than the conduct it is designed to cure” (p. 180), is very helpful for leadership purposes in organizations.


Iannone, N.F., Iannone, M.D. & Bernstein, J. (2009). Supervision of Police Personnel (7th

ed.).  Upper Saddle River, NJ:  Pearson Education, Inc.

Van, W. M., & Suino, P. (2012). Leadership in public organizations: An introduction. Armonk, N.Y: M.E. Sharpe.

Klubeck, M., Langthorne, M., & Padgett, D. (2010). Why organizations struggle so hard to improve so little: Overcoming organizational immaturity. Santa Barbara, Calif: Praeger.


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