
you will take the multiple choice portion of the exam on Blackboard directly. (Worth 50 points).
Sources only Textbook:
1. Essentials of Negotiation, by Lewicki, Roy J., Saunders, David M., and Barry, Bruce. 5th edition, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.

2. Getting to Yes, by Fisher, Roger, Ury, William, and Patton, Bruce. 3rd edition, Penguin Books.
The questions contained here represent just HALF of the final exam. You will choose 5 out of the 8 essay questions below. If you answer more than 5, I will only grade the first 5 you answer. Each essay question is worth 10 points, for 50 total possible points.

Answer as comprehensively and as specifically as possible. Be sure to carefully read each question and answer all parts of it.

You can type your responses directly into this document under the appropriate questions. Be sure to indicate which questions you are answering.

1. List and describe 4 key differences between integrative and distributive negotiation strategies. Include 1 specific example of a situation in which you would choose an integrative strategy and 1 specific example of a situation in which you would choose a distributive strategy. Comprehensively justify your choice of the appropriate strategy in each of your examples.
2. There are 7 key factors that can facilitate a successful integrative negotiation. Pick 4 of them and describe why integrative negotiation cannot be successful without each one. Then think of a specific negotiation situation and identify whether each of these are or are not present. Describe why that negotiation is likely to be a successful integrative negotiation or not, based on whether or not these factors were present. Be sure to link success or failure with presence or absence of the factors.
3. Describe 3 of the integrative negotiation tactics from the agreement circumplex in detail, including full descriptions, categories, and a specific example of someone using each.
4. We learned about 12 cognitive biases (errors) people may commit in negotiation. Pick 4 of these biases, describe what they are, and how they might impede success in a negotiation. Then describe specifically how you might avoid each bias you described to achieve more successful negotiation outcomes in the future.
5. We have learned many methods for dealing with others that have more power than you. Describe in detail 3 of the methods you will be most likely to use in the future. Be sure to discuss how specifically that method can help you even when you have less power.
6. Describe in detail 3 of the views of ethics we learned this semester. For each view, describe an example of when the view may be appropriate and truly ethical, and when it may not be appropriate or truly ethical.
7. We learned a number of lessons and best practices for mediation. Pick 3 of those lessons and describe in detail how failing to do those 3 things could result in a bad process and/or outcome. Be specific and comprehensive.
8. We learned methods for negotiating with other cultures across 3 different levels of familiarity with that culture. Imagine you are negotiating with someone from Japan about a large business deal. First, briefly describe how you should approach negotiation at each of the 3 levels of familiarity with the Japanese culture. Then pick one level of familiarity (low, moderate, or high) and describe how you would specifically apply the recommendations given for that level.

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