
FIRSTLY, PLEASE READ THE BOOK AND THE PAGES IN THE BOOK THAT I HAVE STATED IN THE TOPIC!!!!! THIS PAPER HAS TO BASED ON THE BOOK(A SHORT HISTORY OF THE MIDDLE AGE) 100%. 90% OF THE CITED COURCE MUST COME FROM THIS BOOK AND MUST HAVE PAGE NUMBERS: Barbara Rosenwein, A Short History of the Middle Ages. Third Edition. Toronto:University of Toronto Press, 2009. SECONDLY, MUST ANSWERS THE QUESTIONES BASED ON THE TOPIC OUTLINE(LOOK AT THE TIPS ON PAPER I HAVE PROVIDED). ON “Works Cited” section, with full bibliography for any sources you used in writing this paper at the end of the paper; cite your sources in the text of your paper [for example: (Rosenwein 30)]. A Works Cited section at the end of the paper is still necessary to provide full information about the sources cited in your paper’s text. *Papers will be graded on how well they develop a thesis and support it with evidence drawn from the readings from the book.
Late Antiquity (ca. 300-ca. 600 CE) was an age of major changes in the Roman world. These changes were set off by the “Crisis of the Third Century” (or “Military Anarchy”) and eventually ended with the collapse of Rome’s imperial government in the West and a failed imperial revival in the East (under Justinian, 525-565 CE). Rosenwein describes these changes as the result of a process she calls “provincialization.” Your paper should describe the following aspects of “provincialization”: a) the changes in Roman religion brought about by the increased importance of Christians and Christianity. See the last paragraph on p. 56 for important help in writing this paper.
First of all, your paper has to give a brief introduction explaining how severe the “Crisis of the Third Century” was and how the crisis made the provinces more important in the Roman Empire (Rosenwein, pp. 21-25).
For topic “a)” on Christianity: Rosenwein covers this in pp. 25-32. This paper concentrates on the major changes in Roman religion brought about by the conversion of the Roman Empire to Christianity. First of all, the paper should consider the spread of Christianity in the provinces of the Roman Empire. Then the paper discusses how “Christianity redefined the location of the holy” (Rosenwein 56).
Tips on paper: 1)The question focused on the growing importance of the provinces (i. e. provincial people and ideas) in the later Roman Empire. The increased importance of the provinces meant that resources were sent out to the frontier zones of the Roman Empire (e. g., for the defense of the Empire against invasions, as the Empire was more and more militarized); or that ideas spread from the provinces (think of how remote Judaea was!) all the way through the Empire. Either way, the older center of power—Italy—became less important (e. g., the shifting of the Empire’s capital to places like Trier or Constantinople). And the old ruling class—the Roman elite, the aristocratic senators—lost power and influence (e. g., to the military men who came forward during the Crisis of the Third Century.
2)Do not miss the obvious fact that Christianity originated in the eastern province of Judaea—and then spread through the provinces of the Roman Empire along the trade routes. By Constantine’s time, the major centers of Christianity were in the big cities of the eastern provinces, although Christians were still a minority. Keep in mind that emperors started to persecute Christianity during this crisis. It certainly brought Constantine’s father to prominence as one of Diocletian’s Caesars (subordinate co-emperors). And Constantine converted to Christianity during a civil war. But the main point for this essay is the fact that these men were of provincial origin, from the Balkan provinces. They were not members of the old ruling “elite.” Actually, Constantine probably considered himself one of the “elect.” Why? As emperor, he patronized the church. But he also built a new Christian capital for his empire! Where?


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