






For centuries now, the issues of gender have been explored both in  high cultures as well as popular cultures (also referred to as pop culture). From the time a person is born, gender of such a person is prevalent since it is a social construct.  This social construct can emanate from media influence, toys used by children to play, clothing, as well as parental influence. Such influences usually have a great impact on the learning path of a child regarding his or her gender. Important to note, is the fact that some of the toys for instance brought in to the market by various companies are a clear indication of reinstating gender norms in the society. As a matter of fact, some of these toys are gender specific and their main objective is to bring about conventional roles of each gender. Most companies manufacturing toys have adopted traits that reflect masculinity or femininity in accordance with the western societal gender notions. Even though toys are meant to be articles of entertainment to children, parents should be alive to the issue of choosing toys for their children because the overall gender norms learned by a child can be determined by various toys.


In a study conducted by Lorrber, (345) the aspect of gender in human beings does not necessary flow directly from an individual’s reproductive organs or genitalia, it is largely an aspect of social construction. It therefore goes without saying that social status of an individual are carefully developed through a process of approved learning, emulating, and finally implementing what that person has learnt. Social construction of an individual is also developed the same way as the social status of an individual is developed. In the western society, there are a number of characteristics that are associated with modern femininity. Such traits include among others, gentleness, compassion, and motherhood. On the other hand, masculinity in the western society is associated with characteristics such as braveness, ambition, strength, and toughness to mention but a few.  In light of the above, most companies manufacturing toys have adopted traits that reflect masculinity or femininity while designing toys (Riordan 32).

Most of the toys that are meant specifically for young girls are manufactured with aspects that depict conventional traits of domesticity as well as femininity. Some of these toys also depict household duties. In a research conducted by Brumberg (44)most toys produced for purposes of entertaining young girls or targeting them reflect the concept of femininity. An example of a doll marketed by one of the toy company and that reflected aspects of domesticity is the Barbie. The Barbies Mattle Company introduced one of the toy line that depicted gender and the role of every gender in the society.  The toy line has a doll that depicts a pregnant woman and she is at home waiting the return of her husband from work while taking care of her children. There are also some toys and diapers for the awaited unborn girl.

Young girls therefore learn the concept of motherhood and domesticity through the iconic Barbie doll. The children right from their tender age learn how to be good housewives as well as how to take care of a child. The intention of marketing this doll is to enable young girls gain knowledge of how to maintain a house as well as how to plan for an unborn child. Children also learn from the doll how to take care of a kid once that kid is born. The doll creates an image that depicts a universe that is influenced and dominated by the male gender.  G.I. Joe, on the other hand, is the toy figure that reflects masculinity. The toy is primarily produced to entertain boys as it depicts extreme action, strength, braveness, and toughness all of which are traits attributed to the male gender. This toy is a clear depiction of a male figure in the western culture. Handling machines as well as dealing with weapons that are mechanized, are some of the attributes associated with the male gender within the western culture.

It is worth noting that the image reflected by the toys meant for young boys promote the notion of masculinity with traits such as aggressiveness. What’s more these toys meant for young boys are designed in a way that they resemble male figures with well built muscles (Cassell 34). This is a clear indication that male gender in the western culture is associated with aggressiveness and at times use steroids for purposes of building muscles. As a matter of fact, some of these toys for young boys are branded as real heroes in the United States. This is a clear indication that individuals who are aggressive and violent are the only ones who can be heroes. In addition, it also depicts the view that some of the traits that real heroes and men should possess include: masculinity, violent, and aggressive to mention but a few. There is also a clear indication that such a person must not have feminine traits.

It is worth noting that dolls are used to describe toys that are feminine mostly meant for young girls, while the word action figure is used by the society to denote the masculine toys meant for young boys. The societal use of these words is a clear indication of gender awareness (Riordan 32). Gender messages are therefore, shown in certain wordings, and boys may only play with action figures and not dolls. This is because boys are associated with action and aggressiveness while the young girls are expected to be gentle, compassionate, and motherly,

Toys in the western pop culture portray all the aspects of gender messages. The toys that are meant for girls are usually pink in color while those meant for boys are usually blue in color. Consequently, most of the toys that are brought into the market targeting boys represent or depict ambition and violence while those meant for girls symbolizes gentleness, compassion, and domesticity. It is therefore, clear that the toys produced by most companies in the western society are intended to instill particular gender qualities in children which are in accordance with the norms of western society gender notion. The gender identity and sexuality of children should not be dictated by parents through choosing toys for their children. There would be more gender disparity in a society where gender of an individual is not influenced or dictated by norms of societal gender. Nonetheless, the societal notions play a big role in influencing the gender of individuals particularly in the western culture, hence the inequality among different genders (Doty 45).


The aspect of gender in human beings does not necessary flow directly from an individual’s reproductive organs or genitalia; it is largely an aspect of social construction, Social status of an individual are carefully developed through a process of approved learning, emulating, and finally implementing what that person has learnt. In the western society, there are a number of characteristics that are associated with modern femininity. Such traits include among others, gentleness, compassion, and motherhood. On the other hand, masculinity in the western society is associated with characteristics such as braveness, ambition, strength, and toughness to mention but a few. Some of these traits are depicted in the toys that are produced by toy companies targeting particular gender of a child. Most of the toys that are intended specifically for young girls are manufactured with aspects that depict conventional traits of domesticity as well as femininity. Some of these toys also depict household duties. The toys meant for young boys promote the notion of masculinity with traits such as aggressiveness.  What’s more these dolls meant for young boys are designed in a way that they resemble male figures with well built muscles. Handling machines as well as dealing with weapons that are mechanized, are some of the attributes associated with the male gender within the western culture. Most companies manufacturing toys have adopted traits that reflect masculinity or femininity in accordance with the western gender notions.  Gender messages are therefore shown in certain wordings, and boys may only play with action figures and not dolls. This is because boys are associated with action and aggressiveness while the young girls are expected to be gentle, compassionate, and motherly.














Works Cited

Brumberg, Joan. The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls. New York:       Random House,  2007. Print.

Cassell, Kevin. “Toys, Boys, and Masculine Ideology.” Rapid Pulse. 23 Apr. 2008. Web.             30 Nov.2012. <>.

Doty, Susan.   Where the Girls Are:  Growing Up Female with the Mass Media. New         York: Times             Books,  2004. Print.

Lorber, Judith. “’Night to His Day: the Social Construction of Gender”. Composing             Gender. New York:   Bedford St. Martin’s, 2009. Pgs. 335-347. Print.

Riordan, Enoch. “Commodified Agents and Empowered Girls: Consuming and    Producing Feminism,” Journal of Communication Inquiry 25. 3 (2001): 279-297.



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