Ultimately, the historical and social foundations of education are established by individuals. Admittedly, it is a collective effort, but if there is one thing our text demonstrates, it’s that one person can make a difference! Throughout this course, you will study the impact of various individuals on the field of education and therefore, by extension, on the lives of many others. How much more impact should Christian educators have on the education landscape since our foundation is built upon faith in the eternal Word of God? Scripture has a lot to say about teaching and learning and Christian educators bear a great responsibility when assuming the role of teacher. James 3:1 reads: “Not many of you should become teachers, my fellow believers, because you know that we who teach will be judged more strictly” (New International Version). It is incumbent upon the Christian educator to build their foundation upon a biblical worldview.
The Biblical Principles Related to Education document and the Moreland text are designed to help you reflect on and examine your own foundations, especially as they relate to a biblical worldview. The Foundations of Biblical Principles Assignment requires candidates to integrate ten of the 44 principles in the Biblical Principles Related to Education document into an analysis of their spiritual foundations and the development of a plan to grow personally as an effective Christian educator. Proper integration requires candidates to specifically (1) incorporate ten of the principles into the text of the paper, (2) examine at least one of the associated passages of Scripture for each principle, and (3) apply the principle and/or Scripture to your own experiences. Merely quoting the principle and/or listing the verses parenthetically will not be considered adequate examination or integration (see sample paragraph below). To be sure you clearly identify ten principles, you should cite them by number (e.g., #8, or #23, or # 31, etc.) within the text of your paper and then list them on an appendix page following the reference page.
Organize this assignment according to Moreland’s three major headings: Recovery of Knowledge, Renovation of the Soul, and Restoration of the Kingdom’s Miraculous Power. After providing a brief introduction, your task is to develop the content under each of the three major headings by:
• briefly summarizing Moreland’s material,
• describing your own spiritual journey as it relates to each of the three headings,
• integrating the biblical principles and
• Providing a specific plan for personal growth in each area.
The paper must cite at least three references (remember that APA excludes the Bible as a reference). Your primary sources will be Moreland and Gutek and any source that might speak to your three topics. Your 6–8 page paper (excluding title, abstract, reference, and appendix pages) must adhere to APA requirements.
Sample Paragraph
Two of the Biblical Principles Related to Education are applicable to this situation; first, #43, “Parents are responsible to train their children in God’s ways” (Cox, n. d., p. 3). My parents wanted to set that example of Christ’s love, and they wanted for me to be that way as I grew up. “Fathers do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4, NIV). Second, #44, “People are created to walk under authority” (Cox, n. d. p. 3). I was brought up to do what my parents asked, but I lost sight of what I should be doing that is pleasing to God and my parents. I did not stay on a path that was beneficial to others, but rather I focused on me. I went against what the Bible teaches us in Exodus 20:12, “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you” (NIV).
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