false memory syndrome

This is just a forum post. 250 words minimum. References have to cited in APA format

A great deal of controversy has surrounded the phenomenon of “false memory syndrome” and the implications that this has had in our society, particularly in legal realm. One of the most influential psychologists in the area of memory and eye witness testimony is Dr. Elizabeth Loftus, who has spent three decades as a research psychologist and memory expert in legal cases. To learn more about the controversy surrounding “false memory syndrome,” visit the Online LA Weekly site at
http://www.laweekly.com/2004-08-19/news/memory-and-manipulation/ to read the article, “Memory and Manipulation.”

Based on your reading of this article and information in the course textbook, respond to the following questions:

Why is human memory subject to error?

What might influence human memory?

In light of the points that the Loftus article brings up, what kind of implications do the limitations of human memory have on eye-witness testimony?

Discussion Forum General Instructions:

The following are instructions for all of your discussion Forum assignments except Week 1 which requires longer posts. These instructions will be included at the end of the topical instructions on each discussion Forum for your reference.

One “Initial Post” in response to your instructor’s instructions (located on the Discussion Forum in your online classroom) is due by Wednesday by 11:55p.m., Eastern Time (ET). This post must be a minimum of 400 words. A minimum of two replies to classmates’ post of your choice are due no later than Sunday by 11:55p.m. ET. Each of the two replies must be a minimum of 250 words. Point assignment is based on these requirements and the Discussion Forum rubric located under the classroom Assignments link.

Because scholarly discussion and related student interaction within a college learning community are such essential aspects of online education, participation is graded and required. Discussion assignments are graded directly from the Forum where they must be posted to be viewable by everyone in the class. Attachments or other copy forms sent to your instructor cannot be graded.

Discussion Forum “initial posts” must be based on factual information, using the textbook for this class as your primary resource. Other scholarly sources in addition to the course textbook may also be used but these do not replace the textbook as the required primary source of information. Be sure to properly cite and reference your source in your discussion comments. To assist you with APA citation and referencing, a folder titled “APA Formatting Guides” is available in the classroom Resources folder. Discussion Forum posts will be graded on verbal expression, critical thinking, making an effort to not just participate in but contribute to the dialog with posts of a substantive nature that show thoughtful consideration of classmates’ comments rather than “I agree with you” type commentary or that which reiterates ideas already posted by fellow learners. Posts must have correct grammatical construction, spelling, and punctuation with no texting style, slang or other informal language. A grading rubric below details specific grading criteria.

Discussion Forum Grading Rubric

(NOTE: The information below includes requirements and point allocations for 100% instructions compliance and exemplary meeting of assignment criteria. You instructor will evaluate your posts, based on teaching and assessment expertise, for the degree to which they meet these criteria and will assign points accordingly).

R1: Initial Post Content (10 points possible)
“Initial” posts in response to the weekly topic instructions include documentation of factual information to support opinions, including use of assigned readings in responding to questions, demonstrate ability to synthesize information, elaborate on the course material in a focused and well organized manner, clearly showing that the author has made meaning of the material rather than merely reiterating what a published author or classmate has already stated. Posts are a balance of professional dialog style and grounding in scholarly information rather than essay submissions

R2 Format (10 points possible):
“Initial” posts are a minimum of 400 words in length and use correct APA citation and referencing, as well as correct spelling and grammar; and texting, slang or other informal conversation style language is not used. Posts use correct APA source crediting, as well as correct spelling and grammar; and texting, slang or other informal conversation style language is not used. (Note: Double-spacing, which is required in papers per APA formatting rules, should not be used in posting forum posts as doing results in a need for repeated scrolling to read them).

R3 Reply Posts – Interactive Dialog with Classmates (10 points possible)
Reply responses, a minimum of 250 words in length, each are posted weekly to a minimum of 2 classmates, add to the dialog rather than reiterating what classmates already said or focusing off-topic, and are compliant with instructions posted on each Forum. Factual information included in reply posts is source credited in correct APA format. Weekly reply responses to classmates are accompanied by a weekly “Initial” post.

Total Points Possible for Each Discussion Forum = 30points
R1, R2 & R3 criteria are equally weighted because each is key to the integrity and vitality of fully interactive, scholarly classroom dialogs.

Use the order calculator below and get started! Contact our live support team for any assistance or inquiry.
