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The relationship that exists between humans and insects can be explained through entomophagy. Gordon sees a recent and dramatic shift in the way insects are depicted through the media, specifically from a focus on survival or taboo towards an emphasis on spectacle and entertainment. These are explained through the features of insects and human responses to them, which are involved in this shift. Negative perceptions of humans of insects are culturally and historically associated with plagues, pests, squalor, and disease. Many insects have been considered repulsive or dirty and condemned as careers of various diseases for a long period of time. Recently, there has been a transformation on individuals’ perceptions of insect has changed. This is evident in the spectacle representation of insects as human food in literary genres and popular media.
It is essential to understand the distinction between insect eating for entertainment and insect eating for survival. The two functions may be combined as is the case with Aztec culture. Additionally, there are alimentary practices in some cultures that involve the role of insects in ritual, nutrition, and diet. This, therefore, brings out entomophagy as a spectacular act and gustatory experience. The experience of consumption of insects is rich in different representations and a broad range of cultural production. Insects, whether menu items or pests carry meaning. The consumption of insects involves convention and communication, ritual or rhetoric. This varies from one culture to another. This implies that influences from culture dictate the reactions to depictions of entomophagy on screen or in text.
Religious influences also have influences on how humans perceive insects. For instance, people do not consume insects condoned in holy books. Audiences take part in vicarious pleasure and passive viewing of spectacle. This implies that insect eating images are only mere images in representational media because a majority of people are not engaged in actual entomophage food ways. On the other hand, where insect eating is attached to survival, individuals depend on them for subsistence. Entomophagy is common, and there are times when when insects are portrayed as scary and harmful creatures in popular media, making individuals have negative perceptions of insects. In most media, entomophagy is represented both as a tactic for survival and spectacular in a fictional, controlled environment. Online reports and television sensationalize insect consumption and place much focus on nontraditional aspects of consumption. There is a lot of ignorance and fear surrounding insects and insect consumptions, which make individuals have negative perceptions of insects. However, the fear is reduced from the assurance from entomologists who argue that there is no harm of consuming insects. This works best especially for individuals who consume insects unknowingly. This is what is referred to as unintentional entomophagy. In fact, they argue that insects are a source of protein; and, therefore, nutritious for them.
Cooking shows awaken people’s desires and allay fears as they provide a spectacle of a dual nature. This is because edible insects are depicted as unusual delicacies. Entomophagy is common in current literature and has changed people’s perceptions of insects. People have stopped perceiving insects as harmful and scary, rather they see them a form of delicacy. Apart from having the nutrition addition property, insects have other reputed qualities including intoxicating and hallucinogenic properties of worms when eaten from the bottom of a tequila bottle. Other insects are used medicinally. These and the above discussed features of insects have a positive influence on individuals’ perceptions.
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