Enterprise wide anti-virus and spyware
Norton antivirus edition sometimes known as Symantec Antivirus Enterprise edition is an antivirus software application that is developed by Symantec Corporation. Its components and network provides solid protection against the incoming spyware and viruses to personal and corporate enterprises sever and networks. It is capable of providing sophisticated enterprise wide virus protection and also single web based console management (Vacca, 2007). This antivirus integrates a reporting capability of a web based graphic for purposes of network administrators. Anti-spyware removes applications, processes or even files that may have been altered during the process of remediation or those that may have been detected previously.
The installation and running of Norton Antivirus and Ant spyware software is quick and occupies minimal hard disk space or memory. According to Basole installation of the antivirus, however, requires internet connectivity. This is because installation of the software without internet connection might invoke the program to attempt to make a connection in an effort to complete the process of installation (2008). It is worth noting that, for this software to be installed correctly there is a need to disable or any existing antivirus and anti spyware applications and then restart the machine. In addition, any firewalls applications that may be running should be temporally disabled.
According to Baskin & Piltzecker, (2006) the first step of installation is to download the Norton Antivirus software, double click on the installer where a WinZip window opens, click Unzip, click install, click next, read and select “I accept the terms of the license agreement” and then click next, click next to install all the mechanism using the default installation location, select unmanaged, then click next, select Auto Protect if you want the Symantec Antivirus to monitor your system automatically as you work, where there is an active internet connection, select Run Live Update to get the current version of the software, as well as, update the virus definition files during installation, click next, then click on install, where a person selected Run Live Update above, the Live Update program will be automatically launched by the installer, click next to allow Live Update check with Symantec for the current virus definitions, and when the update is completed, click finished, disregard any massage that you receive of Old Virus Definition click close, click finish to complete the process of installation.
The procedure of installing an enterprise wide anti spyware is almost the same as that of installing an enterprise wide antivirus. Any existing anti-spyware software must first be disabled on your computer and then close all the programs that may be running on the computer before installation. The software must be downloaded and than double click on file in the desktop the installation begins and the installation wizard dialogue box appears, double click and skip to step 4, from the installation menu select install, read the welcoming message and then click next the anti-spyware license dialogue appears to display the end user agreement read and click next, enter the license key and click next, select the anti-spyware then click install, and then complete.
The benefits of these applications include; providing an effective enterprise wide anti-spyware and anti-virus protection. The application of the incorporate Symantec tamper guard restrains illicit antivirus attack and access on the network through endeavors from viruses to render network security inoperative in addition to protecting your personal computer against viruses and spyware. Norton Antivirus software scans instant mails and messages to check whether there are any suspicious links, infected attachments and viruses (Parsons & Oja, 2011). The software also scans the common social networks like the facebook news feed to find out links that lead to dangerous or unsafe sites to download. Where a person is in the verge of downloading a dangerous application or file, Norton instantly warns the person of the impending threat and danger. In addition to checking applications, files and sights against a database of already known potential threats, the Norton Antivirus software apply behavioral analysis to expose any apprehensive file behavior that could manifest malware to be in the database of notorious threats. The Symantec technology in the Norton Antivirus software enables it to detect brand new threats which are referred to as zero day threats. With this technology in the Norton application, all the processes the computer is carrying out are examined and monitoring all the communicating to and from the computer are monitored to detect any series or pattern of associations that would fit the profile of Malware (Crayton, 2003).
The sophisticated and unique Anti-spyware protection technology disables completely detected spyware programs on the PC system, rendering them ineffective and harmless to the system. Using comprehensive removal technology, Spy sweeper enterprise wide assures stability of the PC system during and after the process of spyware removal. In addition, they guard and prevent the common spyware entry points, as well as protect the changes to the system memory, host files, registry entries, browser hijacking, startup processes and other settings of security software. The scanning process of the Anti-spyware is optimized for efficiency and speed. Scanning can be initiated without any interference on the performance of the desktop and in a single operation; the desktop can be disinfected completely (Gibson, 2010).
Parsons, J & Oja, D. (2011). New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2012: Comprehensive. Cengage Learning.
Vacca, J.(2007). Practical Internet security. Ohio: Springer.
Basole, R. (2008). Enterprise Mobility: Applications, Technologies and Strategies. IOS Press.
Gibson, D. (2010). MCITP Guide to Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Enterprise Administration. Cengage Learning.
Crayton, C. (2003) Security+ exam guide. Cengage Learning.
Baskin, B., & Piltzecker, T.(2006). Combating spyware in the enterprise. Syngress.
Harley, D. (2007). AVIEN malware defense guide for the Enterprise. Elsevier.
Parsons,J.,& Oja, D. (2010). New Perspectives on Computer Concepts 2011: Introductory. Cengage Learning.
Agrawal, A.(2009). EndNote 1-2-3 easy!: reference management for the professional. Springer.
Cisco Networking Academy. (2010). IT Essentials: PC Hardware and Software Companion Guide Cisco Press.
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