Economic Modeling with Systems




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Economic Modeling with Systems

            The Modern world is ruled by banks and corporations. The main question is on how we can convince these institutions to act friendly and socially responsible and whether environmental behaviors and attitudes can be governed efficiently by economic mechanisms only? In this regard, it is certain that, we can form new generations of future business directors and people whose values entails sustainability gene embedded since their basic education. Therefore, learning foundations of ecological and sustainability economics ought to start before college and the earlier the better. The question is what subjects and pedagogical methods are suitable, where and when. Following this discussion, this paper seeks to elaborate some guidelines for ecological economics and sustainability curricula for different education levels from K-12 to post graduate and different age groups. In doing this, we will analyze a comparative analysis of existing courses world wide and how recent efforts of ecological activities within Minnesota to create ecological economics program for schools can be combined with learning experience of graduate and undergraduate students who took a summer class in Socio-Ecological-Economic Information Systems, and an MBA class on Decision Support Systems with a module on Sustainable Development.


In the 21st Century, there is an increasing demand in finding solutions to the various economic, environmental, and social problems that affect the planet. The core solution is to invent and implement effective policies that would support the module on sustainable development. Additionally, there is a need for exploring on interdisciplinary approach to understand complex ecological systems. At this point, for the past decades, scientists, mathematicians, and soft engineering are combining their efforts to create a dynamic systems based software that would accomplish unfathomable results beyond human impossible (Bert & Ken 1). This study majors on how the transformative power of Information system should be leveraged to augment an ecologically sustainable society. In discussion, Chang and Radi  (1) are on the view that, while many information systems and corporations units identify that environmental sustainability is a problem that needs to be addressed, the IS community has been slow to recognize the problem and come up with suitable action. Their study proposes ways that IS community can engage in the improvement of environmentally sustainable commerce practices. Distinctively, educators, association leaders, and IS researchers should demonstrate how transformative power of IS can create an ecologically sustainable society. It obligated that; there should be a research agenda that establishes new subfield of energy informatics that utilizes information systems information and skills to boost energy efficiency. In consideration, IS scholars should integrate environmental sustainability as the underlying foundation of their teaching, and emphasize on ways that IS leaders can implement environmental sustainability in their principles and enhance change that lessen the environmental impact of the community. It is important to note that, there should be a strong foundation for organizations to act in legitimate way that is eco-friendly way. As mentioned, they should explore on ways that would better lessen the environmental impact of the community that in turn, results to ecological sustainability.

A study done by Adela, Marie & Richard (188) explore on how complex it has been to assess the economic impacts of land use transformation. Despite community planners comprehending the economic aspect of transforming the urban fringe, they find it difficult to assess and analyze ways that influences decision making.  The study advocates for a research agenda that establishes subfield of energy informatics that utilizes information systems skills and thinking to amplify energy efficiency.  IS Scholars should integrate environmental sustainability in their core principles of teaching that foster changes and reduce environmental impact. Applying this assessment is so vital that, it provides tools required to assess scenarios of policy formation that help in decision making. In this case, Computer Simulation Environments and Models, GIS technology, Environmental Information Systems, and Web-based Media and Social Networks proved to be extremely efficient in building global awareness, helping understand ecological-economics concepts, and mastering skills in environmental decision making. These are vital guidelines for ecological sustainability and economics curricula for different education levels that assist in enhancing a friendly environmental.

For the past years, Amar, Hind, Hocine, Tahar, and Hamza (1) affirm that, there have been recent efforts of ecological activists to create ecological programs for sustainable development. Among the teaching methods, information technology has created a strong foundation in the learning process on ways that can improve ecological efforts. With such a comprehensive economy,   information technology plays a core role that capital and labor would do.  The forever emerging technologies starts to enhance environmental benefits (Michael 255). In the 21st Century, technology has become demanding for power that requires generation of power in factories from the use of nuclear, coal, and suitable electricity production that improve sustainability development. Digital revolution has transformed the ecological activities through minimizing possible negative effects of the environment (Adela, Marie & Richard 187). Information technology has created a useful framework to assess the energy sources that would enhance a positive impact on the environment. To this point, one can sum up that, there are possible ways to form new values of sustainability gene embedded with information and skills.














Work Cited

Adela J.W. Chen, Marie-Claude Boudreau, Richard T. Watson. “Information systems and ecological sustainability”, Journal of Systems and Information Technology 10. 3. (2008):186 – 201.

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Bert Bredeweg and Ken Forbus, Qualitative Modeling in Education, AI Magazine 24.4 (2003):

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Michael Shriberg. “Institutional assessment tools for sustainability in higher education: Strengths, weaknesses, and implications for practice and theory”, International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education 3. 3: 254-270:


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