
SEE Instructions must pick 3 out of 4 choices and discuss a common theme

MLA Research Paper:

Focus on a culturally significant theme (main idea) in the work.

1000 words (4+ paragraphs).

Focus on one primary (literary) source from your modules.

Use two secondary sources.

Use an introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Use MLA Documentation.

The purpose of the research paper is to think and write critically (in a focused fashion).

The paper should represent the student’s interest in and analysis of a literary work by one of our assigned authors.

Students should preview the selections in each module to choose a work to write about.

The paper should include primary source material from the literary text and secondary source material from the cyber activities or other secondary sources.

The student’s thesis statement should be a persuasive assertion supported by the rest of the paper.

The student should use primary and secondary source quotations to support their interpretation of the work.

Students are encouraged to prepare a working draft of their paper and seek feedback from SPC tutors in the Learning Commons in advance of formal submission!

Choose any literary work from Modules 1-15 as your primary source to write this literary analysis.

Explore a culturally significant theme in the work.

Theme (in literature) is the underlying message or opinion on society, the nature of humanity, or life in general that an author wants to convey.

Consider: How has the work been shaped by the culture that produced it?

Consider the following suggestions in organizing this literary analysis:

* Create an original title that reflects your thesis.
* Introduce the plot but avoid plot summary.
* Focus on a culturally significant theme (main idea) in the work.
* Examples: See list below.
* Present a strong thesis.
* Use quotations to support your thesis in the body paragraphs.
* Use topic sentences to introduce your body paragraphs.
* Introduce quotations in your own words.
* Follow quotations with interpretation in your own words.
* End body paragraphs with a tie-in to your thesis statement.
* Finish essay by summarizing the key points; re-state the thesis.
* Document sources via parenthetical and bibliographic citations.
* Follow MLA format for both (use the author’s last name citations).
* Cite full source information in the Works Cited Page.
* Revise before sending to check grammar, phrasing, and sentence structure.
* Revise before sending to check spelling and punctuation.
* Strive for clarity and conciseness; avoid redundancy.
Literary works to choose from :
“Journey to West”
“The Narrow Road to the Deep North.”
“Arabian Nights”
The Story of King Shahryar and his Brother
King Sindibad and his Falcon
The Wolf and the Fox
Joy of the Drop by Ghalib:

* Papers must be keyboarded and submitted online.
* Papers are due by midnight on the due date.
* Late papers are docked one letter grade.
* See DOCUMENTATION for information about MLA conventions.
* You can also see the SPC cyber library’s MLA information online.
* See the OWLS for reference information about grammar and style.
* You can also see The Elements of Style in Contents.
* See the CLAST scale for more information about evaluation.
* Please don’t hesitate to contact me if you have any questions about your work.

Common/Universal Topics in Literature:

Change of power

Change versus tradition


Circle of life

Coming of age


Convention and rebellion

Dangers of ignorance

Darkness and light

Death – inevitable or tragic

Desire to escape




Everlasting love

Evils of racism

Evils of sexism

Evils of classism

Facing darkness

Facing reality

Fading beauty

Faith versus doubt

Fate and free will

Fear of failure


Gender Roles

Good versus bad

Greed as downfall

Growing up – pain or pleasure

Hazards of passing judgment

Heartbreak of betrayal



Identity crisis

Illusion of power


Individual versus society

Inner versus outer strength


Knowledge versus ignorance

Loss of innocence

Lost honor

Lost love

Love and sacrifice

Man against nature

Man against society


Materialism as downfall

Nationalism – complications


Necessity of work

Oppression of women

Optimism – power or folly

Overcoming – fear, weakness, vice


Power and corruption

Power of silence

Power of tradition

Power of wealth

Power of words

Pride and downfall

Progress – real or illusion

Quest for discovery

Quest for power


Resistance to oppression


Role of Religion

Self– inner and outer




Social mobility

Technology in society – good or bad

Temporary nature of physical beauty

Temptation and destruction


Vanity as downfall

Vulnerability of the meek

Vulnerability of the strong

War – glory, necessity, pain, tragedy

Will to survive

Wisdom of experience

Working class struggles

Youth and beauty

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