ASSIGNMENT: You knew when you were starting the Criminal Justice program that you did not want to become a law enforcement officer because you were already past the cut off age for becoming a law enforcement officer when you started college. So you decided that you wanted to become a private investigator and then own a private investigation firm, specializing in Criminal Defense work. When you first started in college you were fortunate in meeting a private investigator who advised you on your career path. That private investigator told you to finish your college career to enhance your credibility as a private investigator within the field. So you did remain in college and started working for a private investigation firm and now you own a firm bearing your name. You specialize in working for criminal defense attorneys and your degree enhances your credibility with these attorneys. You specialize in court appointed cases because you are one of the few people who realize that if a defendant of a felony gets a court appointed lawyer then federally and in most states, the defendant also gets a court appointed private investigator to assist with the felony defense. The state and federal governments pay your fees.
Now since you have established your Private Investigation Firm, you have become known as an expert in the field of criminal law and the judiciary.You are also a member and officer in several Private Investigation Professional Organizations which normally have annual conferences in some nice locations.Since you are an expert, the conference organizers have asked you to give a presentation on the following topics.However, one of the requirements is that you need to provide the organizers with a topic paper in APA format on the topics of the presentation as is outlined below:
The Conference Organizers sent you the following guidance for the paper:Please answer the following questions, and complete the requirements to write your paper of 2 or more pages. As you answer each question, you must provide support or evidence that will enhance and empirically prove your answers. Academic criminal justice articles or real-life criminal justice findings that are found in journals or other academic sources must be cited in supporting your answers. Please use APA style for all cited sources including your resource page.
Address the following presentation topics in your paper to the conference organizers:
Discuss the sources of criminal law. Include the creation of criminal law, including Common Law and Constitutional Law, and how they provided a pathway of rules and regulations that define offenses and punishments.
Discuss the different types of warrants including arrest, search, felony, bench, alias, anticipatory, and so on.
Define probable cause and how the standard of probable cause is met, including the types of information that a police officer will present in the affidavit for judge’s review.
Because of specific circumstances, the courts have allowed law enforcement officers (LEOs) to exercise their discretion in limited searches and seizures to avoid destruction of evidence or property, harm to citizens, or the officer and fleeing suspects. Provide a brief description of the following: Consent
Incident to arrest
Stop and frisk
Plain view doctrine, automobile, and open fields
Provide any relevant examples to illustrate how the police execute these exceptions.
Discuss the Exclusionary Rule and the 2 exceptions to that rule (good faith and fleeing targets).
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