Course Objectives and Career Aspirations


Course Objectives and Career Aspirations



Tutor’s Name

18th, December 2012


This course study is essential in my career life, as it will greatly influence the success of my career. For this reason, I have developed a different perspective and approach to this course, as I am aware that it is the core of my future career. With a dream of becoming a manager of an Orthopaedics Department of a hospital, I consider this course and all its objectives as being in line with my future career aspirations. The concepts, ideas, and knowledge I have acquired so far, will help me become a good manager and a good leader, if I put them all to practise while performing my job.

This course unit has opened me up to the concept of the code of conduct. This is a vital component of business management, and is important to all managers. Being a manager, I will utilize the code of conduct to help me build a group of professional attitudes. Endorsing this to the employees will ensure the services they offer are impeccable, thus making them more appealing to the clients (Bertocci, 2009).  A code of conduct serves to produce ethical behaviour in the company, which will also guide employee relationships and impart good judgement, responsibility, and approachability in them (Mika, 2011). As a manager, I will emphasize on the adherence of employees to the company’s code of conduct to ensure that the company has a professional image and a healthy competition in the market. As a manager, adhering to the company code of conduct will also enable me to serve as a role model to my co-workers, who will emulate me. This is important in ensuring good organization and relationships at the work place.

Proactive and reactive thinking, as well as problem solving are other major components of this course. These are of great use in the world of management. In reactive thinking, one acts spontaneously, without planning beforehand (Aken & Bij, 2011). This is an important aspect that as a future manager, I will need to possess. Although this kind of thinking comes with experience, learning it has been helpful, as it has pushed me a mile ahead. Nonetheless, reactive thinking helps me manage smaller elements of my life such as time, money, and relationships. However, in my job as a manager, I will be able to solve complex managerial problems in my work place, using proactive thinking (Aken & Bij, 2011). Being a proactive manager, I will employ a management style that is open and engaging. This includes considering employees’ opinions before making a major decision. In reactive thinking, one plans and strategizes on the decisions they will make in a situation. Today, I use proactive thinking to manage my personal life. In future, this will benefit me in successfully managing operations in my department, thus becoming a strong and efficient leader.

This course has also helped me distinguish between the elements of leadership and management. Leadership is a personal attribute, while management is a job. However, these go hand in hand, as a good manager must also be a good leader (Daft, 2008). Therefore, as a future manager, I have been inspired to develop both my leadership and management skills in order to ensure good management in my office. As a good manager, I will use the efforts of employees, through mobilizing them, to achieve company goals. On the other hand, as a good leader, I will encourage the employees to embrace own creativity and be self-motivated in their jobs.

Conclusively, this course remains an integral part of my studies, as it is directly linked to my career aspirations, which lie in management. I have gained considerable knowledge on different management components and practices from this course, which will be instrumental in my career life. Knowledge on management aspects of code of conduct, problem solving skills, and leadership and management will shape me into a good manager and leader.



Aken, J., Berends, H. & Bij, H. (2011). Problem Solving in Organizations: A Methodological

Handbook for Business Students. London: Cambridge University Press

Bertocci, D. (2009). Leadership in Organizations: There Is a Difference Between Leaders and

Managers. New York: University Press of America.

Daft, R. (2008). The Leadership Experience. London: Cengage Learning.

Mika, A. (2011). The Importance of Codes of Ethics: Examination of the Need of Business

Ethics and the Efficient Usage of Codes of Ethics for Good Corporate Governance. New

Jersey: Diplomarbeiten Agentur.

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