Computer science

324 Computer Ethics — Fall 2013
Content Rubric for Case Analysis Papers
This is the content rubric that will be used for grading your Privacy Case Analysis paper. [Note: In addition to the content grade for each paper, there will also be a writing grade. A writing rubric also has been provided. The overall grade for the paper will be the average of the writing grade and the content grade.] The paper should be between 1400 and 1600 words long (about five double-spaced pages with one-inch margins). Be sure to double space the lines and provide a word count.


Use of Stakeholder Analysis: Your paper should be a clear, careful stakeholder analysis (see the description of stakeholder analysis on pages 70 and 71 of the textbook) of the case entitled “A Small Matter of Privacy”, found on pages 274 and 275 of our textbook. Be sure to include consideration of all those individuals and groups of individuals who were, or probably could be, significantly affected by the situation described in the case.

_____ Clear introductory paragraph (10 possible points):Explain to your reader what you plan to do in this paper.

_____ Clear, complete description of the relevant aspects of the case (15 possible points): Describe for your reader, clearly and fully, the events and facts that you take to be ethically relevant in this case.

_____ Benefits and advantages, if any, for each person or group of persons affected by the events and facts described in the case (15 possible points): Your paper should explain these clearly and fully.

_____ Harms and possible risks, if any, for each person or group of persons affected by the events and facts described in the case (15 possible points): Your paper should explain these clearly and fully.

_____ Unethical or risky behavior of any person or group of persons described in the case. (15 possible points): Your paper should explain these clearly and fully.

_____ Unethical or risky policies that probably should be changed in the future (15 possible points): Your paper should explain these clearly and fully.

_____ Conclusions and recommendations (15 possible points): Your paper should include a conclusion where you summarize the positive and negative points that you described, and then state your recommendations for new policies or future actions.



PHI 324 Computer Ethics — Fall 2013 — Professor Bynum
Writing Rubric for Case Analysis Papers

This is the writing rubric that will be used for grading your case analysis paper . [Note: In addition to the writing grade for each paper, there will also be a content grade. A content rubric also has been provided. The overall grade for the paper will be the average of the writing grade and the content grade.]

_____ Spelling (5 possible points): Given the fact that you will be creating your papers on a computer, you should use the spell checker. Remember, though, that some words sound the same even if they are spelled differently. For this reason, you may choose the wrong spelling, and the computer’s spell checker will not catch your mistake. Note: It is okay for you to have someone else check your spelling before you turn the paper in to be graded.

_____ Grammar (25 possible points): This covers such things as inappropriate or missing punctuation, as well as problems with sentence structure. Are your sentences complete? Are singular or plural subjects used with appropriate singular or plural verbs? Are sentences too long and complex? Should they be shortened and thereby clarified? [and so on] Note: It is okay for you to have someone else check your grammar before you turn the paper in to be graded. Obviously, it is not okay to have someone else write the paper for you!

_____ Clarity of Expression (15 possible points): If you are unable to express an idea clearly, then perhaps you do not understand it. In any case, the instructor cannot tell whether or not you understand what you are saying. For this reason, you should strive to express yourself very, very clearly!

_____ Flow of Ideas and Line of Reasoning (20 possible points): The paper should “flow” in the sense that one idea leads smoothly to the next one; and if arguments and reasoning are present, then conclusions should follow from clearly presented reasons. [Hint: “connecting” words and phrases – such as, therefore, so, since, because, it follows, I conclude that, consequently, hence, yet, but, nevertheless, for example, and so on – can be very helpful in constructing a smooth and logical line of reasoning.]

_____ Paragraph Structure (15 possible points): Are paragraphs well structured? Is there an appropriate opening sentence that follows from the prior paragraph? Do the sentences that come next express ideas that go well with the opening of the paragraph? Does the final sentence in the paragraph lead well to the next paragraph?

_____ Overall Paper Structure (20 possible points): Does the paper have an appropriate opening paragraph? Do the paragraphs that follow lead smoothly and successfully to the concluding paragraph? Does the paper have an appropriate concluding paragraph, given the ideas that led up to it?

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