Community Project Power Point Instructions
1. After examining the document Healthy People 2020 (the web site is in Readings), choose one focus area that is of interest to you.
2. Next choose a population group that you will work with in the chosen focus area.
3. Write an example of each of the three different levels of health prevention activity for your chosen area.
4. Give an explanation how you would work with the community population that you have chosen.
5. Choose one of your prevention levels to expand on and make your slides fit the one focus area and one level of health prevention activity you choose.
6. Include a reference page at the end to reference the materials you investigated and cited in your presentation.
This is not a paper, but a power point presentation. You should make between 10 and 15 slides. Explain in detail how you would carry out your program. The reference page will not be part of the power point slides, but put into a word document and submitted along with your power point slides in the dropbox.
For example: I choose heart disease as my focus area. An example of a primary health prevention activity would be encouraging a group of elderly clients to eat a heart healthy diet. An example of a secondary health prevention activity would be advising your client to have a lipid panel performed to screen for cholesterol concerns. An example of a tertiary health prevention activity would be assisting your client in finding a post-cardiac arrest support group.
Expanding upon my example, I would refer my clients with computer access to the American Heart Association website for further information. I would further expand on the education of the heart healthy diet by discussing foods, etc. I would do my teaching to the population of elderly clients, i.e. the elderly clients would be in the local YMCA Golden Trotters program, and we would speak to them in a group setting and be available for individual consultation. I would further explain the educational materials and style of education used, i.e. pamphlets, ppt, etc.
Again, do a power point presentation and download it along with the reference page into the dropbox.
I really want to see that you have thought out your educational/prevention activities.
The Rubric is below:
46-50 points (92-100%) – Exemplary Work – will be given for: Scholarly writing/speech are utilized throughout the presentation with outside resources utilized and cited correctly. Community presentation is complete with all six (6) components above addressed. Power Point Presentation is clear, concise, and professional.
42-45 points (83-91%) – Good Work – will be given for: Scholarly writing/speech is utilized mostly throughout the presentation with some outside resources utilized. Community presentation where the majority of the components above are addressed. Power Point Presentation is clear and concise.
38-41 points (75-82%) – Fair Work – will be given for: Writing/speech is clear but not necessarily scholarly (no outside resources utilized). Community presentation is incomplete but some components are mentioned. Power Point Presentation is unclear.
37 points and below (74% and below) – Poor Work – will be given for: Community Presentation is disorganized and few if any of the components assigned were utilized. No outside resources utilized. Presentation is unprofessional.
You will receive zero points for no submission. And you will receive zero points for late submission unless you have made previous arrangements with the instructor. You will lose 1 point for each grammatical, punctuation or spelling error.
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