Please do it as two part Section 1 consist 2000 words and then section 2 consist 1000 words
Caring for the Adult with Complex Healthcare Needs Introduction: EBL is based on an adult learning model where students are expected to be much more self-directed and group sessions are primarily student led, with the support of a lecturer facilitator. Thus, you will become actively involved in the learning experience. Case studies, representative of real clinical practice scenarios, will be the main focus for learning about nursing, biological and social sciences. In exploring the scenarios and case studies you will be able to build on the knowledge and skills you have gained to date. You will develop greater understanding of how to assess and care for ill adults in a variety of settings, using evidence based practice. The aims of the module are: To further develop the skills and knowledge to facilitate nursing assessment and care delivery in a variety of settings using an enquiry based learning approach. Learning outcomes: On successful completion of the module the student will be able to – 1. Use enquiry based perspectives to assess biopsychosocial needs of people in different healthcare settings. 2. Demonstrate an understanding of the structure, function and integration of the endocrine and reproductive systems. 3. Demonstrate integration of microbiological and physiological responses to infectious agents. 4. Develop skills of critical enquiry through engagement in research discussion and exploration of nursing issues. 5. Examine the role of contemporary health and social care delivery in the support of health, well-being and illness. 6. Explore different therapeutic responses available to nurses and other health professionals in enabling people to adapt to health challenges. 7. Reflect on their learning and contribution to group work and the process of enquiry based learning. Recommended Reading: It is strongly suggested that you purchase this core nursing textbook: BROOKER, C. and NICOL, M. eds. 2011. Alexander’s Nursing Practice 4th ed. Edinburgh: Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. The following article is a useful outline of the group process we will use in EBL: AZER, S.A., 2004. Becoming a student in a PBL course: twelve tips for successful group discussion. Medical Teacher, vol.26,no.1 pp. 12-15. Some background information on EBL is available in the following textbooks. There are multiple copies in the QMU Learning Resource Centre GRANDIS, S., LONG, G., GLASPER, A. and JACKSON, P., 2003. Foundation Studies for Nursing: Using enquiry based learning. London: Palgrave MacMillan WILKIE, K. and BURNS, I., 2003. Problem-Based Learning A Handbook for Nurses. London: Palgrave MacMillan PRICE, B., 2003. Studying Nursing Using Problem Based & Enquiry Based Learning. London: Palgrave Macmillan Case Study : Care of the diabetic, pregnant lady Evidence Based Practice: Modern health services are concerned with developing quality and person centred health care which is based on evidence. It is important for you to learn how to access different types of evidence using different search strategies and databases, differentiate between different types of evidence such as reviews, audits and original research, and to be able to use this evidence to support your planned care. The lectures, group discussions and module assessments will help you to develop skills such as: • Sourcing, appraising and using a wide range of current literature • Making a case, (justifying your plan of care using evidence to support your points) • Arguing a case (making comparisons between one care plan or another, using evidence to support your points). The following references may be useful: ELLIS, P. 2010. Understanding Research for Nursing Students, Poole: Learning Matters. ELLIS, P 2010 Evidence –based Practice in Nursing. Poole: Learning Matters DYSON, S. NORRIE, P. 2010. Fundamental Aspects of Research for Nurses. London: Quay ROLFE, G. 2002. Expanding Nursing Knowledge: Understanding and researching your own practice. Suffolk: Butterworth Heinemann COUGHLAN M ET AL 2007. Step-by step guide to critiquing research. Part 1: quantitative research, British Journal of Nursing. 16, 11, 658-663 PLAYLE, J. 2000. Critically appraising research reports. Journal of Community Nursing 14,11, 10 – 16 GREENHALGH, T. 1997. How to read a paper: Papers that summarise other papers (systematic reviews and meta-analyses). 315:672 GREENHALGH, T. AND TAYLOR, R. 1997. Papers that go beyond numbers (qualitative research), 315(7110): 740–743. COTTRELL, S. 2005 Critical Thinking Skills. Basingstoke: Palgrave PRICE, B, HARRINGTON, A. 2010 Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students, Exeter: Learning Matters Module Assessment: Guidelines: Summative Assessment: 1. 3000 word assignment. Analysis of patient care and critique of the evidence informing care Written Assignment Guidelines: This assignment should consist of 2 sections • Critical Analysis of case study and use of evidence in patient care (2000 words) • Reflection on learning and contribution to group work (1000 words) The analysis and use of evidence section will contribute towards 50% of the final mark whilst the reflective component counts for 20% of the final mark. Section 1: Analysis of case study and use of evidence in patient care (50%) Write about the nursing care management of one patient from the case studies addressed in this module, at a point in their journey of your choosing. • With reference to current literature, explain how you would assess this patient. You must provide a brief account of the main health challenges experienced by the patient in the case study. You should consider the physical, social and psychological context of health and illness. E.g. reference to physiological effects (signs, symptoms), and main problems experienced by this patient (physical, psychological, emotional, financial, social etc.). (10%) • Discuss in- depth, the rationale for implementation and evaluation of nursing care of 1 nursing action for your selected patient. Use theory from applied science, social science and nursing to justify your care decisions. (20%) This section must differ significantly from issues explored in your EBL 1 assignment. • Discuss the information and emotional support needs of this patient. You should consider the role of the nurse in assisting this patient or their relatives to cope with or adapt to their altered health status and to participate in decision making. You should demonstrate awareness of the different ways in which people deal with adversity. Therefore, you must include reference to published work on stress or coping or adaptation. In considering the role of the nurse, issues could include patient teaching, the nurses’ role in rehabilitation, addressing spiritual needs or techniques for breaking bad news. (10%) • Identify one piece of published research based evidence that has influenced your thinking about the nursing care of the patient in this case study, for example a primary research paper, a systematic review of evidence, literature review. Describe how you accessed this evidence (what was your search strategy/ search terms). In your own words, explain the contribution of this evidence to your nursing care (i.e. why you consider this evidence to be valuable). Consider the strengths and limitations of this evidence in relation to its reliability, validity and application to practice. A research critique checklist may help you to structure this section. (10%). IIMPORTANT INFORMATION: Include the full citation of the chosen reference (and web link, if available) at the beginning of this section. You must NOT use a piece of published evidence that has previously been analysed in your EBL research sessions. • Presentation: This is a formal essay and should not be written in the first person (using ???I, me or mine’). The assignment should be presented according to the formatting instructions in your cohort handbook. Section 2: Reflection on learning and contribution to group work (20%) • Reflect on your contribution to the group work and process of enquiry in one of the cases studied. You are permitted to use a revised version of the formative assignment submitted earlier in this module but you should demonstrate awareness of, and response to, the feedback provided by the markers. {{{{ You should provide a brief explanation (100-200 words maximum) of how you have responded to the feedback given on the earlier draft at the beginning of this section.}}}}} • Select one learning experience which you have found interesting in your EBL group since the beginning of the module. (Hint: It is suggested that you do not try to cover an entire topic such as consent or breathlessness. Try to focus on an event or issue which triggered your learning e.g. a diagram, a discussion, or a photograph). Explain why you think this experience ???triggered’ your learning. • Critically reflect on the way in which the group analysed the issue and how you participated in the discussion. Things to consider could be: o Description: what was going on? o What went well? And Why? o What was my part in this? o What could have been improved on? o Why did this not happen? o What have I learned from this? o What aspects of this experience can I use in the future? o How will I do things differently next time? • You may wish to include a concept map as an appendix to illustrate the way in which the issue was explored by the group. • This is a reflective account and should be written in the first person (using I / we and me). • You may wish to use a reflective model to structure your thoughts
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