Automotive coil spring

Produce a report in the following format 

Section 1 

a) Review the function of a coil spring in context of an automotive suspension system. 
(10 marks) 

b) Outline the service conditions that the coil spring must withstand (e.g. types of stresses, operating 
temperature ranges, service atmospheres etc.). (10 marks) 

Section 2 

a) Discuss and justify the material property requirements for the coil spring by relating the material 
property requirements to the service conditions identified in your answer to section 1b. (15 marks) 

b) Using the identified material properties from question 2a, to perform a material selection (using CES 
software) to justify the material used in the coil spring. Use relevant performance indices to aid 
your CES selection. Hence justify a preferred material. (15 marks) 

Do not past whole material records from CES into report main body. 

Section 3 

Manufacturing route selection: Discuss potential suitable manufacturing routes for the coil spring in 
the selected material. Hence justify a final manufacturing process. (15 marks) 

Section 4 

a) Review & explain the selected manufacturing route in detail. (10 marks) 

b) Comment on the way the manufacturing process influences the material microstructure. Highlight 
any characteristic defects that may arise from your chosen manufacturing method and indicate how 
they could be minimised/avoided (10 marks) 

A further 15 marks will be attributed for report structure presentation, referencing & technical 
writing style. 
Write report in the “3rd person” (standard report writing style) 

Please make sure your work is properly referenced. 

References must be cited within the text at the relevant place as well as listed in full in 
your Appendix (reference section). 

Structure report as per the sections in the question. 
Do not combine sections. 
If you don’t attempt a particular section, you automatically loose all marks attributed 
to that section 


Turnitin software will be used to check for copying & plagiarism
Maximum report size: 10 sides of A4 (text), minimum font size 10. 

Your report can be longer than 10 sides (e.g. due to figures, graphs & tables) but no more than 8 sides of text 
in report main body 

Use an Appendix for non essential diagrams and information if necessary. 

Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) for 2012-2013 link

This link contains all files for Cambridge Engineering Selector (CES) for 2013-2014 so students can install CES software on their own lap-top or desktop

Note: This software is not compatible with MACs


Copy and paste ALL files on to memory stick (Need 1Gb capacity for CES files)

Having inserted memory stick into computer on which CES is to be installed, locate CES files and double click on “setup” file to install.

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