Are magazine advertisements sending unhealthy signals to young women (or young men)?

The outline should be 1-2 pages in MLA format. The Works Cited page should have 3 scholarly sources listed in MLA format.
Submit outline file at
Outline Guidelines:
Length: 1-2 pages should be enough to plan an essay of 5 or more paragraphs. Use a formal outline format with Roman Numerals and sub points. This outline needs to be detailed, specific, developed, use complete sentences and be proofread. You are using this entire week to start research on your topic, plan a paper and create the outline. The outline is a formal plan for your upcoming paper. Brief outlines with little detail will be penalized.
Topics (choose one) :
Do you think government officials are overpaid?
Do people depend too much on the technology development?
Should kids have less homework?
Are magazine advertisements sending unhealthy signals to young women (or young men)?
Should we teach etiquette in schools?
Should recycling be mandatory for everyone?
Should children be required to read more?
Should we all give back to our communities?
Are test scores a good indication of a school’s competency?
Are cell phones safe?
Is Social Media a positive or negative thing?

Choose one of the above topics.

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