Alvin 2 crisis intervention

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McMains, Michael J. & Mullin, Waymon C. Crisis Negotiations: Managing Critical Incidents, 5th Edition, Anderson Publishing Co., 2013.
ISBN: 978-1-4557-7647-4

\Chapter 1
Chapter Assignments
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1. Identify the three elements stressed by Schlossberg and Boltz to manage crisis.
2. Discuss the two most valuable tools a negotiator can bring to a crisis. Define the term negotiation and discuss the three points highlighted by Fisher and Ury regarding a successful negotiation.
3. Define the term crisis and discuss in detail the four stages of a crisis incident.
4. Discuss the importance of the eight negotiation points learned during the Nord-Ost incident.
5. Discuss the SAFE Model in negotiations. List the four triggers for de-escalating crisis situations
Chapters 4 & 5
Chapter Assignments
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6. Define the concept risk assessment and discuss the three issues risk assessment is really about. Discuss the perspectives of Mount, Norko and Baranoski, & Rueve and Welton regarding risk assessment and violence.
7. Identify the risk factors listed for violent offenders, domestic violence, and the mentally ill.
8. Discuss the six-step structured cognitive interview process. Explain the three principles of effective communication. Discuss the seven components to the communication process and the four barriers to effective communication. .
9. Discuss the goals and the eight strategies used in active listening.
10. Discuss William Ury’s five-step model for Getting past No. List the four recommendations for negotiating within the realm of social media.
Chapter 3
Chapter Assignments
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11.Identify and explain the six major negotiation tasks in the REACT Model.
12. Define and explain the three levels of empathy.
13. Discuss the six steps of the BLS Model.
14. Identify and discuss the five basic human needs.
15. Discuss the four stages of change.
Chapter 6
Chapter Assignments
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16. Define the term mental illness and identify the four groups of emotionally disturbed people.
17. Provide a graph illustrating examples of the relationship between personality style, mental illness, and anticipated issues highlighting: a normal person in crisis, anti-social personality, dependent personality, obsessive personality, narcissistic personality, paranoid schizophrenic, bipolar disorder, major depressive disorder, PTSD, and dementia.
18. List and discuss the three types of abusers.
19. Identify the ten bullet points for understanding abnormal psychology easier for the negotiator.
20. List and explain the four characteristics of high-conflict personalities and discuss the CARS and BIFF approaches.
Chapter 7
Chapter Assignments
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21. Define and explain the terms depression and mood disorder. List the eleven guidelines for establishing a relationship with a depressed person and list the six steps in changing an individual’s thinking about a situation.
22. Define suicide and list the eight common characteristics. Discuss the six steps of suicide intervention recommended by Living Works.
23. Discuss how the REACT Model can be applied to suicide intervention.
24. List the fifteen risk factors and seven protective factors for suicide.
2 Readings
Chapter 8
Chapter Assignments
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26. Discuss the general characteristic, the different stages of development, and why juveniles present special issues for negotiators.
27. Define the term gangs and discuss the reasons for gang membership.
28. Discuss suicide and the elderly. Discuss how aging impacts an individual and the CNS illnesses that impact the elderly.
29. Discuss the suicide rate for veterans and the four issues specific to the warfighter population.
30. Discuss the considerations and issues for police officer involved crises.
5. Discuss the prevalence and motivations for victim precipitated suicide.

Chapters 9 & 10
Chapter Assignments
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31. Discuss the similarities and differences between negotiating in prison and police settings.
32. List and discuss the five factors that could result in increased aggressiveness among prison inmates. Discuss issues of veterans in prison.
33. Define and discuss in great detail the four components of the Stockholm Syndrome. Discuss the five suggestions to strengthen personalization within the Stockholm Syndrome.
34. Discuss the four threats of the psychological effects of captivity. List the additional threats to survival as well. Discuss the seven beneficial and detrimental defense mechanisms and the fourteen coping mechanisms.
35. Define and discuss PTSD in terms of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual –VI. List and discuss the six aftereffects of PTSD facing hostag Readings
Chapter 11
Chapter Assignments
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36. Define and discuss the concept of stress based on Selye.
37. Discuss the four effects and impacts of stress.
38. Regarding stress management, list ten methods for reducing stress.
39. List and discuss the four characteristics and the three stages of trauma. List the three goals of a debriefing.
40. Define HOBAS and its history, along with discussing its six data elements.

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